Wait ....

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Louis POV

"Niall!! Are you crazy! Someone could've stepped on my head." I said getting up.

"I didn't think you would come !!!" He gave me a pat on the back.

"Yeah, that makes sense. You barged in my room saying there's a party and i just let it go at that ... It's like you don't even know me !!"

"No, i thought about it ... but just didn't expect it." Niall had the hugest smile on his face.

"See that girl over there." I pointed to Radio.

"Yeah, she's-"

"She is the reason i came tonight." I chuckled, and walked over to her. I stood behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. "Hello Love. You look as beautiful as ever." I whispered in her ear. She laid her hands on top of mine.

"Well thank you."

"So ... about before ..." She knew what i was talking about right away. She spun around to face me. My arms were still around her waist.

"We can finish that ... after the party."

"Oh, so your not drunk." I winked.

"Of course not!! I knew you would make a move if i acted like i was." She winked back and went back to her playlist of songs.

"C'mon !! Talk to me. Stop DJ-ing for a second." I moaned, releasing her. Then i noticed Harry and Karmin go up stairs, i gave him a thumbs up. Even though, i knew Karmin would back out.

I turned back to Radio. She was smiling at me. "Don't give them a thumbs up ..." She rolled her eyes.

"Well what was i suppose to do wave?" I got close to her. Then there was a flash out our window. Paparazzi? "Was that?" I looked at her.

"No ... do u think?" We thought about the possibilities. We went wide eyed, and went outside.

"Are you to dating?" One asked. "How long has this been going on?" Another asked. "Why did you start dating?" Another. They were shooting questions like someone shooting bullets out of a machine gun !!

"One at a time!!" I said and wrapped my arm aound Radio. Then I pointed to someone.

"How long have you've been dating?" They asked

"We aren't dating, we are just really close friends." I answered. Then pointed at someone else. "Yes?"

"Then why do you always get all close and in each other's faces?"

"Well the boys are just touchy people, and Lou thinks my breath smiles like carrots." She chuckled.

"Yeah, i agree. Like me wrapping my arm around people is a normal thing. As you see in like everything I'm in, my arm finds it's way over someone shoulders." I agreed. "Ok, now since that's settled. Have a nice night." I smiled and we walked back inside. I was shocked Harry and Karmin weren't back yet. What if ... no ...

When they finally got back down stairs ... I was so pissed. He did it before i did!! Damn kid! Radio and I took the to the opposite side of the room. I kinda yelled .. no i yelled at him. And slapped him. Not hard, but still. "I can't ... believe .... you ... did it ! Before ... Me!" I yelled inbetween slaps.

"Mate! Calm down. Yes, it was done, but it's nothing to be jealous of." He winked at me.

"Don't wink ... at me!" I started to laugh at how many times i've hit my best friend, and he still isn't mad about it. "Radio promised me later anyway.!!"


"Just promise me that I'll won't be an uncle before i turn 21."

"I used one." He smiled.

"Good, than i just wanted to say how .." (those dots mean that i slapped him one last time.)

"Oh, c'mon Lou!"

"YO WE OUTTA DRINKS!!!" Some dude yelled.Who even is that? I think i know all of 4 people at this party.

Radio said she would get it since she has a fake ID. That's hot. She flashed me a wink before stepping out the door. That's my girl. <3

Radio POV

Karmin and I went to the liquor store and got a lot of things ... hopefully the cops won't pull us over. Lol. When we walked out of the liquor store, Karmin asked, "Hey can I drive, you seem a bit tipsy."

Tipsy? I was faking it all ... Well i trust her enough. "Sure, i can give you some driving tips, since you're new at all this." I smiled and got into the passanger seat.

OK, Awesome!" She seemed excited and got in on the driver's side.

I have to admitt i was a little scared, but i still trusted Karmin. I felt like i was treating her like a little kid pointing out everything i could see. "Stop sign ... Yellow means slow down ....Yeild." Then i felt my phone buzz. It was a text from hazza. ot said Louis passed out going up the stairs. I gasped, but then realized he'll be fine. :D Karmin looked at the text and smiled, but when she looked up her face was like frozen. She looked funny. I smiled and asked "What?"

What i didn't realize ...

BAM !!! I heard a smashing sound. I felt a huge amount of pain, and then all i saw and felt was black.


WTF !!! What happened? Find out in the next chapter.

I would suck if it was just a huge black bunny. lol :/

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