Oh Crap

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Radio POV

I can't stop thinking about what's building inside of me ... what am I gonna do. My dad'll kill me!! Gosh ... oh jeez. I need help. I realized we're landing.

"WE'RE LANDING!!" Thank god, i need to find the nearest bathroom!!

Louis POV

I can't stand not telling Haz about Ryan and My little person ... So i just gave him a hint. "So ... Uhmmm... Well lets just say there's gonna be another family member on the way." I lightly punched his shoulder.

"Wait, What?" He gave me crazy eyes. Then he realized what i said. "Are you serious?"

"Ssssshhhh ..." I smiled, and Radio grabbed my hand and took me to the closest bathroom. "Woah, Ryan ... This is how we got into this situation." I chuckled.

"Oh shut up. No, we are here to figure out our fut-" She looked at me wide eyed, and ran into one of the stalls. She just threw up!! Oh my goodness, im gonna be a dad. She is already getting nausious!! Maybe I'll be a good dad. What am I thinking. When that baby pops out it will already be more mature than I am ... Even if it poops their pants. I'm not ready to be a dad. Even though ryan is the most mature teenager I know, she's not ready either. But when you come to think of it. Is anyone really ready? Like really ready. Not at all. At least the whole team will help us out. The guys love babies. Baby Lux is just precious. Just think, I'm gonna have my own baby lux or baby luxer in 9 months.

"Louis? What are we gonna do?" She asked me.

"I don't know, but keep it a secret until its really noticeable."

"Why? We are gonna need help."

"Trust me." I smiled. We ran back to the others. Liam giving me the stink eye. Again. "We aren't an Idem ..." I yelled over to him.

Paul helped us through the crowd of screaming fangirls. I held Hazza's hand, and people yelled Larry Stylinson. I love that nickname for Haz and I. It's quite funny. I started yelling it with them. Finally we got to out cars. We had Niall, Ryan, Hazza, and i in one. And Zayn, Liam, and Karmin in the other.

We had a dance party on the way there, but we had to pull over cause Ryan had to throw up again. Again ... this is really freaking me out. I can't do this much longer. When we got to the hotel. We all just shared a huge room, but the girls had their own. Liam pulled me over to talk.

"We are going to eat ... but it i see any funny business imma put an end to it. Got it?" He said.

"Yes dad, now come on, I wanna eat." I moaned and texted Ryan.

We went out, but Haz and Karmin stayed back ... uh oh. Any who, yes Ryan and I started flirting with each other again. It was funny and cute. I missed Ryan. I'm glad we can be flirty buddies again.

After our take out food, yu, right!!? We had to hit the hay early ... wow i just sounded like ryan. :D Anyway I slept with Hazza, Zayn was a little pissed off, but too bad. He's MINE! Anyway, there's our concert tomorrow. Wish us luck.


When I woke up I went downstairs to get some Yorkshire Tea. Delish :D. Liam and Niall were already up doing a twitcam. Ugh ... weird people...

"Awwhh, look, Louis is up!!" Niall turned the camera so the fans can see me.

"Ah, jeez. Niall im only in my knickers." I chuckled. While I took a sip.

"Exactly, that's what that fans want." Zayn said walking in.

"Oh, be quiet." I smiled and sat next to Niall. "Hello everyone. Nice to see that everyone is alive at 8 am. I would've still been asleep, but i had a nightmare." I made a pouty face. I looked at the comments and there was ones like :

Awwwwhhhhh, poor baby

Aw, tell us what happened. :D

Ur sexy.

You know like that kinda stuff. "Well I was in a farm ... and I was running from something. I didn't know what, but i kept running. Weird right? Well, when I figured out what was happening ... I was a turkey and thanksgiving was right around the corner. I was running from a HUNTER!! Very scary I know." I smiled and got up.

"Where are you going lou?" Liam asked.

"I need to go to the Lav, calm yourself dad. I'm not going to see radio ..." I looked to the camera. "Our babysitter." I informed them.

"fine, say goodbye, everyone."

Thousands of good byes popped up. So sweet. I'll be back in like 3 minutes ...

When I got back they finished, and were talking about what to have for breakfast.

"but I don't feel like cooking." Hazza said.

"Clothes Hazza." Radio walked in.

"Ok, does anyone feel like cooking?" She asked, Haz ran out of the room to find some trousers.

"Nope." I answered.

"Good, we'll go out. C'mon." She settled things and left to wake up Karmin.


At the resturaunt, Karmin looked weird. She looked as if it was awkward to be here with us. Something must've happened between Her and hazza. Niall ordered a mountian of food. Ha, He'll never change. Radio Placed her hand on my leg. A huge smile slapped on my face. Liam looked curious on what was happening.

I didn't care anymore, I softly laid my hand on her leg to. She moved her's up I moved mine up. It was funny, we just went back and forth. until finally she gave up. "I'm the winner." I whispered in her ear. That made her giggle. I didn't pay attenetion to see if anyone was watching us. I started messing with her hand that rested in mine. She poked my tickle spot. I let out a loud laugh. All eyes shot to me ... I just did it right back to Ryan. She giggled. I'm happy things went back to normal ... for most of us.

For the rest of the day we had rehersals and then the big concert tonight. We are all so pumped, the fans are amazing, and I think this is gonna be amazing. I like LA, makes me feel hot and awesome.

It's time. Radio yelled good luck to us. No good luck unless a kiss from the leading lady. I gave her a little peck and ran out. We rocked it ...

Radio's POV

I watched in awe. They are so sweet to their fans, and Karmin used to be one. Now look at her. Hazza's ex girlfriend. It's so weird how life happens right? Makes me smile ... 

Hold the phone. While Hazza was singing his solo in WMYB, he pulled a girl onstage. He gave her  a KISS !!! When he gets off the stage imma slap him. I looked over at Karmin to see her reaction. Her face was turning red, but she was trying to hide the face that she cared ... I knew she still cared for him, but just didn't want to say anything. 

When they finished I gave them all hugs. While i was hugging harry I slapped the back of  his neck so it burned. "You're an idiot." I whispered and walked away with Louis. When we got back to the Hotel, Louis and I left to be 'alone'.

"So do you wanna figure it out?" He asked me holding up the test.

"Fine. I'll tell you the results later." I took it, gave a reasuring smile. And left to the bathroom. It took 3 minutes. 

"Oh my god ..." I stared at the results. I can't believe this. Help ...

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