Chapter 6 - Something Different

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Brooklyn's POV

"Brooke? You okay?" Mitch asks and looks to where my eyes were looking at.

He sighs. "Fangirls."

I stared blankly into the screen. Some girls took it too far, bullying me.

"Brooke, don't worry about them okay?"

"I'll try to avoid it. I honestly don't know if I can though."

I decided to leave after a few hours of hanging out.

I drove back home. I walked into my apartment and sat on the couch.

The replay of the day ran through my head, as I smiled dumbly.

*Ring Ring* My phone goes off and I answer it.


"Where were you today?! You had me worried sick!"

I rolled my eyes. "Liam stop stalking me. I said we are done."

He laughs. "Keep telling yourself that. I'm stopping by tomorrow since I haven't seen my girlfriend in like a week."

I hang up on him. I decided to just ignore it. Yes, I did break up with him, but Mitch hasn't actually "asked me out" yet.

I sat in my lonely apartment. It was too quiet and I hated it. I wanted to be in Mitch's warm embrace again.

I turned on my TV to get sound in my apartment, and soon fell asleep.

Brooklyn's Dream

"I know of your past Brooke. I know."

I was in TC house and then it turned black. I was pulled into the darkness and felt a knife around my throat, and a hand covers my mouth.

"You're mine forever. Mine. And I'm coming to get you, tomorrow."

*end of dream*

Brooklyn's POV

I wake up in a cold sweat, panting.

I grabbed my keys and ran out of my apartment. I was so scared of Liam.

Things might have seem "Picture Perfect" with us, but they really aren't.

I got into my car and floored it. I knew exactly where I was going.

I drove to the TC house. I sat in my car, hesitating on knocking on their door. I could go to Ethan's or Ariel's place, but I honestly wanted to be with Mitch.

And I think Liam would go there once he finds out I'm not at my apartment.

The TC house is probably the safest place.

I got out of my car and ran up to the door, knocking.

"Shit." I mumbled when no one answered.

I stepped back. "Please be a key under here." I say as I lifted the doormat.

Bingo. There was a key.

I fumble with it in my hand. I was freezing, it was pretty cold for California at 4 in the morning.

The door opens and I put the key back under the mat.

I walk quietly upstairs, hoping none of the guys would wake up and panic and hit me with something.

I find Mitch's room and open the door. I then close it and lock it.

I look at Mitch, who was lightly snoring and looked so peaceful.

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