CH. 1

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Saturday: June 5, 2010

Dear diary,

I had my first one night stand. He left this morning. I met him at the club, Atlantic. Brooke and I were there admiring all the hot college guys as usual. But then he came over. And he bought me a drink! I'm only eighteen! But I didn't say a word. In fact we didn't talk much at all. All I knew was his words came out like silk and his voice was as sultry as could be. And he had the sexiest British accent. One dance led to hours of grinding. Until we kissed. But then I left with him and we came back to mine.

It was amazing. He was a good kisser. And from what I remember and could see, he was hot. Very hot. The sex was amazing. All I have to remember it is the large hickey on the right side of my neck and this harsh red spot, where he bit me? But that was on my left boob! I don't even know...

All I know was his name was Klaus. And he has my phone number, which he asked for when he left my house this morning.


Sunday: June 6, 2010

Dear diary,

Klaus did text me that same day, yesterday. He asked me out to dinner. I don't remember much. But I think we had a good time. All I know is we came back to mine. And we slept together again. This time he left me with a few more hickeys.


Saturday: June 12, 2010

Dear diary,

Last night Klaus met Brooke and I at the club. He brought a friend named Stefan. The four of us had a good time. I think Brooke and Stefan hooked up. But Klaus and I have been talking nonstop. He stopped by my place three times this week. We've fooled around but it was only making out. Last night we slept together again. Finally. I didn't know I wanted it that much until after we did it last night. That was the reminder that it was amazing. And I craved for him. He just worked my body like no one had before. Maybe that's because he was older. More experienced.

I don't know how old he is. I don't know much about him at all. But I assume he's older. He had to be. Tonight he's taking me out. On a date. So I should probably get ready.


Monday, June 21st
10:11 PM

(Danielle's outfit earlier in the day)

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(Danielle's outfit earlier in the day)

I opened the door for Klaus. "Hey, baby," I smiled weakly. He looked exhausted. But he's looked that way every night. Since Saturday, not this past weekend, but the one at the club, when I met Stefan--the 11th--he's come over.

"You look delicious," he said, biting his bottom lip as his eyes raked over my body. Taking his time roaming them up my short legs. I blushed and pulled my sweater down. I wasn't wearing my shorts or shoes anymore. I got home an hour ago after hanging out with Brooke all day.

I'm Yours, Klaus (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now