Chapter 34: This Moment

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I wanted to memorize this moment, right here in Desna’s arms.

I couldn’t say I was exactly happy at the moment. There was an ever-present sense of panic that any moment could be our last, that I would never see Desna again in a moment. But it was still nice, just to be able to be with him, even if this was the end.

We waited for a while in silence. I wasn’t sure when we would know who won, but just that we would know when it happened.

And when the time came, we did.

There was a flash of light from deep inside the woods. Desna and I both turned to look, but it was too blinding to see anything. Then in an instant the sun came back out, and it was as if nothing had ever happened. The sky returned to its usual gray blue.

Desna and I both stared at the sky in amazement. The portal still towered over everything else, but even that looked peaceful.

“So, it’s over?” I ask him.

He smiles. “It’s over. We won.” I can’t help but love the way he says we. It reminds me that we’re on the same side now, that we have nothing to hide from. “We had better go find the others. Eska is in the portal somewhere.”

“So are Mako and Bolin,” I agree, following Desna deeper into the woods.


Asami and I slip through the portal unnoticed. It seems the entire crew is gathered under the tree of time. I take Asami’s hand and lead her over to them.

“And the way you turned all gigantic like that, wow!” Bolin was shouting at Korra. The relief was plain on his face.

“It looks like we missed the action,” Asami whispers with a giggle. I smile at her, then head over to Eska’s side. She smiles at Asami and I, appearing to be the only one to notice us.

Before I can say anything to her, Korra comes over to both of us. “I’m sorry about your father, but he was already fused with Vaatu. I couldn’t save him,” she says. Her voice is filled with surprising sympathy. I almost feel sorry for myself, but then I remember that I don’t.

“It seems cousin Korra is under the impression we’re saddened by our father’s demise,” Eska comments to me.

I stifle a laugh. “I will not miss him at all,” I assure Korra. She simply smiles and nods. Then she takes notice of Asami, her hand wrapped in mine.

“What is this? Are you two a thing now?” she asks with a smile.

I look at Asami, asking her in my mind. Are we “a thing?” She smiles at me and is about to reply when Eska says to Bolin, “I will not be joining you. Desna and I must return home.” I look over at my sister, and then to the earthbender. I thought she really liked him, but had I been mistaken? “Eternal darkness was upon us. I got caught up in the moment.”

“Yeah, I guess I did too,” Bolin agrees sadly. I see now that he had some genuine feelings for my sister.

“But, you will always hold a special place in the organ that pumps my blood. I will remember you fondly, my turtle duck.” Eska gives him a smile I hadn’t seen in a long time. He returns it with a half smile, and I sigh. I turn to Asami. She looks like she enjoyed their moment.

“Perhaps we should also talk Asami.” I see a bit of worry pass over Asami’s perfect features as she nods in agreement.


            I tear my gaze way from my feet and look at Desna. “Well?” I ask finally, afraid of what he might say.

He gives off an exasperated sigh. “I’m not sure,” he admits.

As much as I always loved his sincerity, it was no help now. “I’m going to be honest. I like you a lot more than I should. I can’t find anything about you I don’t like. And I know Eska and Bolin broke up, but honestly they’ll find other people to love. But…” I trail off as the words escape me.

“I’ll never love anyone the way I love you,” he finishes, moving closer to me.

“Exactly,” I say in a whisper. “There’s no one else out there quite like us.”

“There’s no one else even worth thinking about if I know you’re out there somewhere.”

The rest of the words escape me as I look into Desna’s light gray eyes. They had a certain sparkle to them that had been missing for the longest time. I never wanted to lose that sparkle again. “So,” I say finally, tearing my gaze away, “we’re not breaking up?”

“Not as long as I have a say in it,” he responds, smiling at me.

“I love you,” I tell him for the second time today. I’m sure he already knows, but his smile gets a little bigger anyway.

“Not as much as I love you,” he says. As he wraps me into a hug, I consider his response. I wasn’t sure if it was true or not, considering how much I loved him. But a part of me didn’t doubt it, simply because that part had forgotten what it was like to be loved that much. I was sure I would never lose the feeling again.

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