Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Ryder's POV

I was sitting in my office when I felt fear through Jessica and I mate bond. I dismissed Nate and Jarred and used the mate bond to find her.

Walking into the game room, I saw Jessica and Kingsley asleep on beanbag chairs. I quietly walked over to he and noticed that she was wimpering and shaking.

I picked her up and sat down on the beanbag chair. She adjusted alittle and then was still. I hugged her closer to my chest and turned on the tv. I flipped through the channels until I saw something I wanted to watch.


Jessicas POV

I heard the tv and j felt someone's arms holding me. Opening my eyes I realized that it was Ryder. I turned and smilled. He looked down and smiled at me.

"Have a good nap?"

"I've had better."

He laughed and pulled me closer to him. We sat there watching tv when I smelled Travis. I quickly got up and sat in the chair next to Ryder. Travis' scent faded and Ryder pulled me back into his lap and we continued watching the movie.


Jett's POV

"Jett go check the borders, then you are free to go see Kingsley if you want."

"Thank you Alpha."

I bowed me head and walked out of Alpha Nicks office. I quickly ran down the stairs and through the house. Running into the woods, I shifted into my wolf and ran to go check the borders.

A/N So Im writing this while watching the oscars and OMG PHARELLS HAT IS BACK!!!! And Ellen is going to make me pee😂😂OMG AND THAT SELFIE THEY TOOK!!! Ok BACK TO THE STORY!!!

I finished and walked over to the tree where I keep my extra clothes incase I rip the ones I'm wearing when I shift. I grabbed them in my mouth and mind linked Nick.

'Im done I'm gonna head to Kings pack now.'

'Ok be careful bro. I'll call Aiden and tell him your comming.'

I started running toward Kingsley and his pack.


When I got to the packs border two warriors were waiting for me. I nodded my head to say hello and they nodded back. They led my through the territory until we can to the pack house.

I went behind a tree, shifted and put on my clothes. Walkinv out from behind the tree is saw Kingsley walk out of the house and sniff the air. I stayed hidden until he looked at me and smiled.

He ran over to me and I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him to my chest. I pecked his lips and he blushed.

"I thought you weren't going to visit for another coupple weeks."

"I wasn't but I decided to visit earlier than planed and surprise you."

He pulled away from me, grabbed my hand and started pulling me toward the pack house.

"So now that your here you have to meet my parents, my brothers, their mates, my best friends oh and you have to be introduced to the packe."

"Wish slow down King. How about we worry about meeting your family then getting me some food."

He nodddd and pulled my up the stair of the packhouse until we reached a set of doors. Smiling at me, he knocked and we waited for a response.

"Come in."

Kingsley opened the door and I saw his parents sitting on one of the choices in the room. They stood and walked over to us. His father shook my hand and his mother pulled my into a hug.

"It's so nice to meet you Jett. Your all Kingsley talked about."

I chuckled and wrapped my arms around Kingsleys shoulders.

"Well don't just stand there, come sit."

I sat on the cough opposite his parents and I pulled him down next to me.


We had finished talking about our arrangements and what we would do when we were mated when someone walked into the room.The door slammed open and Kingsley jumped.

It was Kingsleys two brothers. One of them looked calm and sat down on the third couch while his other brother glared at me then started pacing.

Two girls them walked in, the one with red hair walked over to the brother that was sitting down. the one with brown hair walked over to Kingsleys brother and put her hand on his arm. He looked at her and relaxed. She glared at him and nodded her head toward me. He looked at me them back at her.

She rolled her eyes, turned to me and smiled.

"Sorry hes in a bad mood."

I laughed and he turned and looked at me and growled. She glared at him and shook her head.

"I'm Jessica but call me Jess."


"Yeah I know who you are. So tell my wonderful mate that your not going to hurt anyone."

Suddenly her mate looked up and groweled.

"Damien is here. Joel, King and Jett come with me. Nate and Jarred are going to meet us outside."

I nodded we stood up and went to go meet with Damien.

Tada! Isn't it beautiful. So go comment your characters on the character contest or i will cry. Remember to coment share and vote! Luv u guys Stay cute😘 - livi

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