Chapter 4.

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"I think you should go. I don't want anyone to see us here." Daise says to that guy... what was his name! Gah! That... leader of that baddies! Gosh! I can't remember!

Oops! They're coming! I should hide. I carry my wedges in my hands to avoid any kind of noise and run out of there. What the hell is happening in this college! I thought Gab and..but No. I am just over thinking this matter! That was not Daise! That was someone else. My eyes are mistaken!

I am just running and running drowned in my own thoughts that I suddenly run into a tall figure and I fell very hardly on the floor.

"Ouch!" I cry due to the pain in my arse cause of hitting the floor.

"I.. I am so sorry! You okay?" My pinched close eyes open suddenly as I identify the very familiar voice that I want to hear everyday, every minute, every second.

"Zayn! Hi! I'm fine! Thanks!" Woah! Control Elina!

"You sure! Why were you running?" He asks helping me stand up from the floor. Such a gentleman.

"Um... shall we vo in and talk? Probably that's why I was running." We giggle and enter the class together.

I should not discuss with him. Its my matter and I should probably keep it to myself till I am confirmed about it.

 I go and sit next to Gab where she already had saved a place for me. But non other place around me is empty so Zayn had to go and sit in the next corner.

"Why didn't you joined us in canteen?" I ask Gab, who seemed a little tensed. I place my hand on her shoulder and she shivers with surprise.

"What happen? Are you okay? I asked you something."

"huh? oh sorry. I was.. um.. What did you say?"

"I asked you why you didn't joined us in canteen?"

"Oh, that. Actually I had some work. You know this project thing!"

"Oh okay." I reply casually. I can't ignore this fact that she is tensed about something however hard I try to ignore it. Is it related to Daise and that guy? URGH! What was his name???? Peter! Ah! Peter James.

Soon the old man, I mean, the professor enters the class distracting me from my thoughts. I am so lost in studies that I don't even realise how quickly the time passes and the class gets over. Damn! I was enjoying it!

Everyone begins to walk out of the class, so do me and Gab.

"Elina! Wait." I turn around to see him again. "I have to ask something about the project from the professor, so can you join me?" He adds.

"Yeah sure. Gab I'll see you in a while." I stay with Zayn. Never thought I'll  love my name so much when I will hear it from his mouth, in his accent.

Zayn asks some its and bits of the project while I just stand and admire his beautiful mouth, his perfect white teeth. His half smile when he tries to joke a little. Just perfect.

After he is done, I turn sharply and hit my foot with the edge of the professor's table almost tripping when he suddenly holds my waist to save me.

My heart begins to run a thousand miles per second on his touch.

"Careful! Why are you always finding reasons to fall?" He jokes while I stand on my feet again.

"Sorry." I can feel my cheeks turning hot. Damn these heels! I should probably wear flats next time. These heels will continue to embarrass me.

"You coming for the next class?" I say to change the topic as we leave the class.

"No actually, I am going to library for some books. So, I'll see you around." He replies.

"oh okay. Bye." I reply, trying to hide the sadness in my voice. No matter how strong my feelings be for him, I will have to control them in front of him.

We walk our ways and I notice that one of my books is missing that I held in my hand. OH dear, I think I dropped in the class.

Just as I turn around a tall figure blocks my way.

"Hey beautiful." I look up to meet a very charming pair of green eyes and brown curls spread across his whole forehead.

"Excuse me. I have to go." I try to leave but then I am blocked by the other 3 members of his group. Great. Here comes the trouble.

"Not so early Darling. You didn't met us." That green eyed guy say. Oh wait. This is Harry. Peter's group mate. And those are his guys.

"Stop calling me like that. I have a name but I am not willing to tell you. So please, leave."

"Oh, guys you hear that. She doesn't wants to tell her name. Or should I say, Elina, doesn't wants to tell her name." How the hell does he know my name.

"Uh-Uh boys! Don't scare the little girl. Or she'll go and complaint to the Dean." Here comes the fifth one. Yes, he was only left.

"Little? Seriously? Try me." I reply folding my arms to my stomach.

"You hear that? She said "Try me". She really wants that. Hmm...naughty girl."

"w-what the hell are you saying?" I shiver at their dirty remark, just scared of what was going to happen.

"Oh don't you worry dear. You'll get what you want." What they mean by that. Why isn't somebody around to help me? Why does my voice goes silent at such situati-

"Leave her alone." A boy shouts and I trun to see Zayn standing there.

"Zayn!" I cry and rush to him, feeling the water flow down my cheeks through my eyes.

"Oh. Look! She got herself a bodyguard." The blue eyes one, uh, Niall, I think, Says sarcastically as they begin to approach us.

Zayn holds me by my wrist and pulls me behind himto protect me.

"You better stay away from her you jerks!" He says. I can feel his body getting tense and his face turning red with anger.

"Look you-"

"What's happening here! Why aren't you in your classes!" Thasnk god we are saved by that teacher. Perfect timing.

"I'll deal with you two later." Peter whispers in his face and all of them leave.

"Thanks Zayn. I was so scared. They just came and blocked my way and-"

"Woah! Calm down. Its okay. You're fine. They will not do anything again." Zayn assures me and I finally breathe in relief.

"By the way, how did you know I was in trouble?" I asked hoping for an answer that I want to hear.

"I was coming to give your book that was left with me and then I saw you, so I just.."

"Oh okay. Thanks again." Disappointment clear in my voice. Bad girl! I scold myself. I am expecting way too much when I know nothing like this will happen.

Then again, we walk to our ways. I wonder how do they know my name. Is it Gab or Daise? Or some third person sneaking around and spying me?

"You're my forever" //zayn malik//Where stories live. Discover now