The 3 day trip- day 3.

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Zayn's POV:

My eyes open and adjust to the lights in the room coming through the balcony doors. I stretch my arms till I feel a heavy weight on my chest. I turn my head to see Elina is asleep on me. One of her arms stretched across my body, other, still in my hairs. When did this happen? I'm sure my sleep is not that deep that I can't sense anything happening around me. I've always had a conscious sleep. Is it really the first time I felt so peaceful? Maybe because the bed is so comfortable. I've haven't slept on a bed like this ever before. Dorm beds are stiff too. Yeah, its probably the bed.

Trying not to wake Elina up, I move out of the duvet to freshen up. Events that took place within 2 days still occupy my mind. Sensation of someone following us during our flight, hallucinations of one of the members of Peter's gang, all shops out of stock at the same time, receiving the products suddenly, Elina forgetting about giving address to the shop, its all so... weird. Elina thinks its just a game of fate but to me, it seems like a made-up game. Someone's trying to harm either of us or maybe both of us. Someone who knows about our plans, someone who stays near to us.

It has to be Elina's friend. She hates me already, Gabrielle, I think, is her name. She has the same subjects as us. But then, all of her friends including Ron knew about this plan.

"Zayn? Are you done? you've been there for half an hour!" Elina's sleepy voice snaps me out of my thoughts and I notice all this time, i've kept the toothbrush in my mouth.

"I'll be out in five." I say quickly brushing my teeth and splashing cold water on my face once again. I have to talk her about all these events.


"Ready to go?" I ask Elina as she checks around the room for fifth time to make sure she isn't leaving anything behind.

"Yeah!" She lets out a big sigh and we finally walk out of the room.

I give the keys to the idiot manager and thank him for his service. Putting all the bags in the taxi, we finally leave for airport.

Elina's POV:

These 3 days have been the most special days of my life. I am very fortunate that I got time to spend with the person I love, that too alone.

Laughing with each other, making faces on stupid manager's actions, having his jacket over me every time I felt cold, doing work together, frowning when we didn't succeed in our task, him listening my commands, sharing each other's dinner and finally ending up in one bed.

I look at him cherishing all the memories but he seems to be in some kind of thoughts. I ask him if he has any tention but he smiles weakly and let go of the topic.


"Finally! I'm back home!" I say stretching my arms as I take the fresh air of New York into my lungs. Since we arrived late night, we head back to our ways directly from the airport.

While sitting in the NY taxi, my mind is flash backing again, but soon I'm out of my thoughts when my phone buzzes in my bag. Its a message from him.

Meet me tomorrow directly at chem lab. N I forgot to say goodnight. :)x

I quickly reply with a goodnight wish to him and put my phone back in my bag.

I finally reach home and pay for the taxi. Trying not to wake anyone up, i quietly walk to my room and, literally, throw myself on my bed. Damn I missed it soo much.

*next morning*

"Good morning everyone!" I cheerily wish Daisy and Gab and Sam as I take place next to Ron.

"How was your trip!" Daisy asks in excitement.

"It was fun! Thanks!" I reply.

"That's great! We'll leave together for our class?" Gab asks.

"Uh, no, sorry. Actually, I have to meet Zayn directly at chem lab as we'll continue with our project. 3 days have already been wasted."I explain and Gab agrees politely, without any frowning of stupid cursing words! Is it really Gab?

I leave for the Chem lab and I see Zayn already waiting outside the chem lab.

"Hey! Good morning!" I wish.

"Morning. I've taken permission to work in chem lab for today. Just waiting for the lab attendant to come." He explains and I also stand near him leaning on the wall with my back.

His gaze goes down again and his eyebrows furrows in some deep thinking as his fingers play with the paper.

"Zayn? I'm noticing you since yesterday. What is it you're upset about?" I finally ask, curiosity getting the best of me.

"It's uh--" We're interrupted by the lab attendant who asks us the reason we're standing here.

Zayn gives him the paper and the lab attendant lets us in.

I am taking samples from all the products and placing them separately on separate petri dishes while Zayn is walking around the lab to collect the chemicals required to do the experiment.

He returns with 5 samples of the chemicals. Using a dropper, we drop each chemical  on each sample and jot down the different reactions taking place on the small petri dishes. Some reactions really amaze both of us.

By the end of the day our project, along with practicals and reports is complete and before leaving the college we hand the reports to the professor. He seems to be really amused and so are we, when he tells us we're the first to submit our report.

I high-five Zayn and we finally walk to our ways. I'm starving because I couldn't eat anything otherwise I would've missed the reactions. I Can't wait to have Debra's cooked food. Haven't had it for three days and it feels like forever.

Tomorrow's gonna be fun. We'll be praised in front of whole batch as a team. I can't wait to write all these events in my lovely diary...

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