Chapter 12.

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Elina's POV:

"Shit!" Zayn fell on the ground holding his arm tight, whimpering with pain.

"Oh my god! Zayn! Are you Okay?" I asked.

the next second I felt foolish of myself to ask that question when I saw his blood stained arm. The bullet that shattered the glass has hit his arm.

"Zayn! Its so much blood! You need to go to the hospital right now!" I help him to get on his feet.

"No. Elina, we have to go after them, they wont be far. We- We can catch them, otherwise they'll run away!" Zayn said wincing in pain.

"Its so dark outside Zayn! We'll loose them anyway! But if you didn't get to the hospital right now, you'll loose a lot of blood."

"But Elina-"

"Shut up! We're going to the hospital this instant!" I tie a piece of cloth around his arm to clot the blood flow.

I'm driving like crazy, out of my mind, out of control. But police, laws don't matter to me at this moment. All I'm seeing right now is Zayn and his blood stained arm.

In minutes we reach the hospital and Zayn is straightaway taken to the OT.

After about an hour of waiting, the light over the OT door goes off indicating the operation is over.

Doctor comes out and a big sigh of relief rushes over my face when he assures that Zayn is out of danger. But I can't see him till the anesthetics loose their effect over him and Zayn comes back to his senses.

I'm asked to fill in the details and get done with the paper work.

While filling up the details, I realize i don't know anyone from zayn's family, he never mentioned of, and it is important to have any kind of relationship with the patient. I can't be his mother or sister which means I have only one option to fill...

Zayn's POV:

I wake to white walls, a beeping sound right next to my ear and smell of medicines. It takes me a minute to get back to my senses and incidents of a few hours ago flash into my mind. the first thought that rushes into my mind is the whereabouts of Elina. Where is she? How is she? I hope the glass didn't hit her, did it?

"Ah, Mr. Zayn. You're up! How are you feeling?"

Besides my paining injury and worry of Elina? "Fine."

"That's good to hear. Thanks to your wife that she brought you here on time. If there would've been any more blood loss, you would've been in a critical condition."

What the fuck did he just say!?! Wife!?! Oh, yes, of course. The hospital's foolish demands also include a relationship with the patient.

"Where is she? Can I see her?" Be A gentleman Mr. Zayn. "Please?"

"Of course you can see her. She'll be here in a moment, she went to the canteen to get you something to eat."

Aren't the hospital's authority members responsible for the take care of the patient's food and stuff?

"She doesn't wants you to eat any tasteless hospital food, which is not served tasteless, but can't argue a woman for it." He adds.

She's an Angel.

I'm laying on the bed for past half hour in a conscious state, while the doctor and his assistant nurse does all the examination over me which includes flashing LED flashlight direct into my eyes that made me blind for exactly a minute and a half, checking my pulse in every 10 minutes, injecting bloody drugs through the drip into my blood and examining the EEG. I swear i was just hit by a fucking bullet and not a nuclear missile that they are injecting suck amount of drugs!

Before I go completely insane over the doctor Elina enters the room and I feel myself relaxing at her sight. She's holding 2 bags of meal. She turns to me and flashes a smile towards me and I smile back but it fades away soon. I see something in her that says the smile was fake, not relaxed. Something that's bothering her. Something happened while I was here unconscious or being examined. But what? It's better to drop that topic right now.

Finally the doctor and his assistant nurse leaves the room and Elina sits beside me unpacking the bags of meal. It is then I notice a bleeding scratch at her face.

"Hey! what's that? On your cheek?" I said pointing to her cheek but she hesitantly hid her cheek with her hair. It was that instant I knew something's wrong for sure.

"Oh.. nothing. its.. um.. a scratch from the shattered glass of the window back at home." She says. lie.

i don't discuss it further. We eat our food, she feeds me like a child and she's terrible at this! She ruined all the hospital uniform with sauce stains. By evening, the doctor signs my discharge papers and we head back home. The ride is silent, no one speaks a word. The only sound disturbing the silence is the rushing of cars past ours. We reach home, she asks Debra to make some soup for me and quietly goes to her room.

Just as I'm about to fall asleep, she comes in to check on me. Her hair are tied into a messy bun and her wound is more visible, she made a terrible attempt to hide it with makeup.

"hey how are you feeling now?" she asks.

"The medicines got me like I'm highly drunk. My heads spins and I'm feeling very drowsy."

"Oh. Okay. You sleep then, I just came in to check if you needed anything. I'll go and let you sleep."

"NO! Um... I mean, you can stay. I won't mind a company right now."

"You sure?"


I have to make her stay. I need to know what happened that she has a bruised cheek because that's definitely not a glass cut. It is something else. something that she's hiding from me. And I really need to know.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2014 ⏰

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