The 3 day trip- day 2.

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"Hi... um... we're looking for some cosmetic Products of XOX company (Sorry I am not using any specific name for the company name :)   ) I was wondering if I could get them here?"

"I'm sorry ma'am. We're out of stock on those products. They'll arrive within 2 days, if you can wait." The shopkeeper replied.

"Um... I don't really have time, I'll be leaving tomorrow night. Isn't there any way I can get them by tomorrow." I reply hoping something might turn out.

"I'm sorry ma'am.." The shop attendant replies.

"Well, thank you anyways." I reply, forcing a smile.

This is seriously strange! All the shops of this district who deal with those products are suddenly out of stock! Sighing, I call Zayn.

"Hey.." Disappointment is clear in his tone.

"Don't tell me you didn't got any product either!" I reply.

"What do you mean? You didn't got any product... also?"

"Yeah." I sigh. "This is all so strange."

"We'll discuss this back at hotel. Where are you now?" He asks.

"Same district." I reply.

"I will be there in 5 to pick you up." He says and the line goes dead.

I sit on one of the waiting chairs on the side paths of the road, waiting for him. A taxi pulls in front of me within 5 minutes and I get into it, smiling at Zayn, A disappointed smile.

"I'm so tired roaming through each and every cosmetic shops and they are all out of stock! How can this even be possible!" I say waving my hands up in the air.

"Seriously! I bet someone is playing trick on us!" Zayn says, his eyebrows furrowing.

"How is this possible Zayn! No one, I mean, No one knows us here!" I say frowning.

"I don't know why, but I feel like someone has been following us since our flight. Last night, I even saw reflection of one of the boys from Peter's group, but I ignored it considering it a hallucination." He says, tension clear in his voice.

"It's okay, Zayn. We'll find a way to solve it." I place my hand on his shoulder to comfort him, my stomach fluttering. Its just strange sparks that I fell whenever I'm near him.

"Wanna eat something?" He asks after a long pause.

"We'll order something to the room." I say laying my head on the back support of the cab seat. I am way too much tired to go to a restaurant or something to have dinner. I wonder if I can even walk to the room myself.


"room service? Yeah, we'd like to order Thai spaghetti and Italian pasta to room number 606 please." I hear Zayn order us food while I change into my PJs to relax.

I walk out of the bathroom, placing the neatly folded clothes on my bed. I don't wan't to embarrass myself by messing my clothes, in front of him. Although I hate to be so managable.

I crawl up in the bed as I see Zayn looking concentratingly in his laptop to find some solution for this messed up work.

"Zayn, please don't worry, it will all be sorted." I say, sighing, seeing Zayn looking so concerned and... sad.

"But, Elina we--"

"Shush! Just close the laptop for now! I know you're intelligent and you worry about your projects a lot, but that doesn't means I will let you burn your eyes out in front of that laptop! It's dangerous for your health, if you know." I say scolding him. He sighs and shuts his laptop off. Good boy.

"You're my forever" //zayn malik//Where stories live. Discover now