Chapter 4

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It was a lazy Saturday. Sans was up in his room and you were on the couch watching tv. You heard a thump from Sans' room. You went upstairs and looked inside. He was sitting on his bed with his hands over his eyes. He was to lost in thought to even noticed you. You walked closer. It was only when you knelt down in front of him he noticed you were there. He looked up startled. You quickly calmed him down. He looked at you then he looked away. 

"why are you here kitten?" He asked. 

"I heard a loud noise. Are you ok?" You asked. He nodded. 

"yeah...yeah i'm fine." He said distractedly. You frowned. 

"Sans, what happened?" You asked. He looked at you in surprise. "Lying doesn't work on me." You said. He sighed.

"just a nightmare kitten. it's nothing."

"A nightmare the was bad enough for you to fall off your bed?" You said in disbelief that it was a stupid tiny thing. His eyes went black. You sat next to him and hugged him. "You can tell me. It's ok." You said. He looked over at you. 

"Tell me something kitten," He began, his voice deepening dangerously. "Who were they?" Sans asked. You knew who he meant. 

"Their names are Lightning, Dagger, and Stella. Dagger is the third in command of the pack. Stella is the main hunter. Lightning is our patrol wolf." You said. "Who's the alpha?" Sans asked. You froze. He said it again. "Kitten, who is your alpha?" He said.

"I don't have an alpha." You said. "Because the alpha is me." You said your eyes changing to their wolf form. Sans stared at you. You transformed and showed him the claw marks hidden by the fur on your neck. It was in the shape of two fangs crossed to form an X. "This is the symbol of a leader. I will carry it in this form forever." You said. He looked shocked. You sighed. "I told you before, I'm not that simple. There is more to my lie than you think." You said. You were about to leave, but suddenly the door shut. You froze. You whipped around to face him again. He wasn't there. You grew worried. "S-Sans?" You said looking around. He grabbed you from behind and pinned you to the floor with his magic. He turned you back and you squirmed in fear. Sans put his hand on your cheek. You froze. "never thought i'd have the honor of housing such an important person." He said. You smiled, blushing.  He tickled you and you squeaked and laughed. Your tail flew past his face. He let go in surprise, but he was still smiling at you playfully. You got up and ran. He chased after you. Papyrus wasn't home so it was ok to act like crazy people. He caught you again and you used your strength to tackle him to the ground and you tickled him back. After another laugh fest you both calmed down and you offered to show him your favorite place to go when you wanted to relax in the sun. 

"Wanna come?"

"sure thing kitten." He said wrapping one arm around your shoulder. You left a note for Papyrus. 'Went for a walk, will be back later.' It said. You lead the way with Sans walking along right next to you. You walked through the woods again and this time you went off the path. You lead him through the forest and came upon an open flowery meadow. There was a huge tree where you could rest in the shade. You both sat in down in between the roots the stuck out of the ground.

"This is the best place to sun yourself. I've come here too many times to count with my pack." You said. You grew sad at the memory of you and your family running around your fathers paws as he watched over you. Sans hugged you bringing you back to the present. 

"it's a really nice place. how about we just lay in the shade and take a nap?" He offered. You smiled and nodded. You transformed into your wolf self and laid down forming a crescent moon shape with your body. Sans sat down in front of you and then laid back, his head resting on your belly. You tensed. He noticed. "do you want me to move?" He asked. 

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