Chapter 11

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Sans' POV

He let Dust handle the patrols. Sans ate in the den, mainly because he wasn't used to eating animals. It was that bad. Being a wolf made it better. Dust came in with a dove in hr jaws. She had just finished passing out the prey to the others. She looked a little baffled at how once he swallow it seemed to disappear, but she didn't question it. Sans knew it worked that way because it wouldn't look good if the could see the food he ate inside of him. She laid down next to him and gently nipped off a wing. She dropped it at his paws. Sans smiling at her thankfully, but he gave it back. 

"You'll need it for the journey to the meeting grounds tonight. It's a long ways on foot, and you can't fly there because the Alpha is supposed to lead us there." She said.

"oh." Sans said. She gave the wing back to him and he ate it. It tasted better than the fat mouse he'd just had. She smiled. Then Dust asked him something. 

"Why did you want to become our Alpha? This isn't your true form." She said. Sans looked at her. How had she known that?

"well...i kinda needed to become an Alpha before facing (Y/N) again. you see, something happened and it kinda made her hate me. i didn't mean for it to happen. i had no others ideas other than go to her camp and get myself killed. i wouldn't get the chance to tell her i'm sorry if i did that." He explained. Dust nodded. 

"I see, you know it's understandable that you took drastic measures. Love is a very powerful thing. I see she was willing to commit to you. Those marks on your neck. They mean that you had a strong bond. What shattered this bond?" She asked. Sans sighed.

"her brother thought i was a devil. one thing lead to another and he was crushed by a rock fall. (Y/N) blamed me for his death." Sans explained. Dust nodded.

"Lightning died because of someone else. You did nothing to him. It was never your fault. Blame is a cruel thing to put on a person. Sometimes it can't be helped. We don't know what will happen yet. Trust your heart. It will lead you to the right choice." Sans was confused by this.

"but if my heart is right, then why does she hate me? we can't both be right."

"Hate is an emotion, but love is stronger than that. She thinks she has to hate you because she blamed you for her brothers death. Hate can control the mind, not the heart. Your heart just has to be strong enough to free the mind. By doing so it also frees the eyes. Hate can blind you. Love can guide you." She said and left. Sans stared at her as she left. 

"she'll be a good Alpha." Sans told himself. He finished eating and left the den. Dust had already gathered the wolves coming along for the meeting. Sans had learned their names. Grit, Rock, Gum, Garden, Sunshine, Kit, Claw, Jag, Jay, Leaf, and Mace. He padded over. Dust lead the way with Sans right beside her. He felt at ease next to her, but he knew that his feelings for (Y/N) were stronger than his liking to Dust. Her name made him uneasy though. Her appearance made it make sense, but he still felt awkward calling her that. He followed her closely as she lead them to the meeting.

Your POV

You sat on the large rock under the shelter of the huge oak trees that surrounded the meeting grounds. Thunder sat on the ledge below you. You had been the first pack to arrive. You'd brought three trainies; Mitten, Skitz, and Bounce, four patrol wolves; Cliff, Scratch, Pad, and Bullet, your healer Jemstone, 3 attack wolves, Dagger, Blaze, and Fawn, and 3 hunters; Stella, Dart, and Flurry. The males stood watch for more packs. Dagger, Cliff, Pad, and Dart all had their ears pricked. The pups in training played recklessly. The females watched them. Jemstone sat on the ledge below Thunder. You were on the very top of the rock. Then Sea Pack arrived. You howled a greeting to them. River howled back. They started mingling and River leaped up next to you. Fin sat next to Thunder. Moss sat next to Jemstone. 

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