Chapter 13

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Dust's POV

She woke up next to a skeleton wearing a blue hoodie the next morning. She smiled slightly. This skeleton was the one she'd been looking for, but alas he was not hers to pursue. His heart had already chosen a mate. It was time for her to show him her own human form. He was still asleep. Dust got up and transformed. Dust could transform for a very good reason. Her and (Y/N) were the only wolves that could. Sans had been given the gift to do so when he activated (Y/N)'s necklace. Dust looked relatively the same only her body was human. She had long brown wavy hair with silver and black strips of hair mixed in with it. Her skin was slightly tan and her eyes were a teal-ish light blue color. She still had her fangs, wolf ears, and her tail. Her tail looked the same as always. It was still a silver-ish grey color with a sparkling black tip and white on the underside. She had on a pink t-shirt with grey shorts. Her shoes were black flip-flops. 

Dust walked over to a pond and used her magic to lift a few large swallows of water out of the pond. She slowly drank it making sure not to spill. Then she heard Sans stir and shift a few feet away. He gasped. She knew he'd spotted her. She finished her drink and got up. She turned to face him. He looked stunned.

"(Y/N) isn't the only wolf who can change between a human and a wolf. I am the only other who can do so." She explained. Sans nodded. He got up and came over to her.

"so, when do we start to head to Sky Pack camp?" He asked.

"Not long, we must eat first." She replied. Sans nodded. She turned back into a wolf and signaled for him to follow her. Sans transformed and followed her. She tracked down a male deer. Dust got into a stalking position. Sans copied her. They slunk forward. Dust leaped and landed on it's back. "Sans! The throat!" She barked. He sprang forward and his long fangs sank deep into it's throat. It let out fearful calls of distress. Sans bit down harder. It collapsed and he let go. Dust ate careful not to let her muzzle get to bloody. She didn't like digging in and ripping it apart like a mad wolf. Sans did the same. When they finished Dust lead the way there.

Before they went inside she told him to change back into his usual self. He did. 

"Alright Sans, you have to make sure she listens. You already know what to say. Make her see through the hate. Free her." Dust said. He nodded and lead the way in.

Your POV

You were resting in your den alone. 

"TRESPASSERS!" You heard someone scream. You bolted out of the den. You leaped onto your high rock to see what was going on. You saw Sans and Dust. You growled. Thunder was on the ground next to your rock below you. Dagger and Stella flanked him angrily. Your pack was on edge and sparking with aggression. You glowered down at them. He walked up to the edge of the sea of wolves blocking him off from reaching you. Dust stood tall next to him.

"What are you doing in my camp?" You growled.

"(Y/N), please listen to me." Sans said gently.

"Why should I?" You snapped.

"Because he has more to say than you think." Dust added calmly. You knew Dust was one of the wisest wolves in the entire forest. You looked back at Sans.

"I'll give him three strikes to catch my attention." You said.

"i came because we were driven out of our own pack." He said. You sheathed your claws.

"Strike one Sans." You growled.

"your pack mates came and said since i wasn't a real wolf i was a traitor." He said. You saw Stella and Dagger flinch out of the corner of your eye. They had driven him out? Well, you'd deal with leaving camp against orders later.

I Fell In Love...With You? (Sans x Monster Reader)Where stories live. Discover now