Chapter 12

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Why? Why is he doing this? You wondered. You sighed and laid down in your nest. It made no sense. He didn't care about you obviously. You sighed again. Maybe I'll just...sleep it off...yeah. You thought and fell asleep.

Stella's POV

"We can't possible let this be uncorrected! This isn't right! He doesn't deserve to be a leader! He doesn't deserve to be alive after what he did to Lightning!" Dagger growled.

"Agreed." Stella snarled.

"So what do we do?" Snake, a green and brown striped male, asked.

"We go to Ground Camp and tell them who he really is! If we can get a group big enough over there, we can easily overthrow him! And him being this deep in pack territory, he'll be chased right to our camp! Then (Y/N) can finish what he started!" Dagger said.

"Sounds good to me." Bullet growled. With that they crept out of camp. If Thunder saw them it was game over. They hurried along to Ground Pack camp. It was their turn to strike back.

Sans' POV

"Dust!" He called.

"Yes Alpha?" She replied.

"we're getting low on food. can you send out a hunting patrol please?" Sans asked. She nodded and padded off to gather some of the hunters. Sans went to his den. He turned back into a skeleton for the first time in days. He stretched getting comfortable as his true self once again. He sighed and sat down. He had his clothes back on. Sans reached into his pocket and grabbed out the note he'd written. He'd folded it and taped it shut. On the front of it read 'give this to Papyrus.'. Sans frowned. He knew something would happen and soon now that she knew he was leading a pack. He missed his brother. Sans knew Papyrus was probably searching high and low for him. He guessed all of his friends were. Sans felt guilt at the thought of it. They wouldn't find him. He'd told Papyrus only a little bit of information on why he'd left that one night.

*Flash back to when Sans left* Papyrus' POV

He woke up that day and got dressed. Papyrus cheerfully came down the stairs and went into the kitchen to make breakfast for his saddened brother. He spotted a note on the fridge. Papyrus grabbed it, the tape peeling off with it. 

'hey bro, i'm sorry. i can't do this. you'd probably be best not worrying about me. don't try to find me, i'm not at that wolf camp. i'll miss you. heh, try not to get bonely without me....i'm sorry. -Sans' Papyrus stared at the note.

"B-BROTHER? S-SANS....SANS!" He raced up the stairs to see if he was playing a prank on him. Papyrus flung open the door to Sans' room. Sans was gone. He started to cry. "BROTHER!" Papyrus cried out falling to his knees. "COME BACK. I STILL NEED YOU."

*the present day* Sans' POV

He turned back into a skeletal wolf and went to take a nap. Sans' dreams were filled with visions of his family calling out for him.

"Sans!" Frisk called.

"Sans! Darling please come back!"

"Hey! This isn't funny punk!"

"S-Sans! C-come back! W-we can h-help you!"

"We're all worried about you Sans." Tori said sadly.

"We'll find him." Asgore assured her.


"Pap!" Sans screeched trying to run to him. He was held back by the darkness behind him. He tried to fight through it. "bro! i'm here! i'm right here!" Sans yelled. They didn't even turn toward him. In fact they started to walk the other way and look for him that way. "wait! come back! guys! i'm over here!" He cried desperately. To late. He was swallowed by the darkness.

Sans shot awake, breathing hard. He calmed down and cowered, curling up into a ball. He missed his family greatly, but there was no turning back. "If you want something, fight for it." He remembered Undyne's voice telling Papyrus one time. Now he was using it for himself. i have to get her back. i...i can't do this on my own anymore. heh, ironic, the surface, the place that i thought i could wing it on my own, is the place i need someone. Sans thought. Then he heard a scream from outside the den. Sans shot out of the den and looked around. What was going on? Then he saw a mini pack of wolves. They all had wings. Sky Pack! what are they doing here? is (Y/N) with them? No, she wasn't. Sans felt dread sink in. This wasn't a good sign. They had a pup in their grasp. Sans marched up to them, trying his best to look threatening and strong.

"What are you doing here?" Dust asked them. "Release the pup this instant." She ordered, calmly but fiercely. Sans bared his fangs. 

"or else." He growled. Then he recognized two of them. "Dagger? Stella? why are you here?" He asked.

"Because we want to set this right." Stella hissed.

"He's no leader!" Dagger yowled. Sans heart lurched. oh boy. that's not good. He thought.

"He's not even a wolf! He's been using our sister, Alpha (Y/N)'s, stolen necklace! You can see the blue crest on his chest plate! He's a liar!" Stella accused. Sans swallowed nervously. They were going to drive him out of the pack. He knew they had more than one plan, but this was the first half of it. His pack gasped in shock and anger. Mace stood tall.

"It's true! We confronted them in the woods a long time back! He was a skeleton of a human! He's not a real wolf!" Mace growled. They turned on him. Dust padded in front of him. She was protecting him.

"Whether he is pure bread or not he is still our leader. These wolves have no right being in our camp. They shouldn't have even crossed the border. This is a petty act of anger and vengeance." They all looked at her.

"Maybe she's right-"

"Traitor!" Mace yowled, cutting another wolf off. They all grew mad with rage. They charged. Dust and Sans ran for their lives. Stella and Dagger's group chased them past the border and deep into Sky Pack territory. They lost them after a long run. Sans collapsed, bone tired. Dust did the same. They rested before she spoke.

"We must go to Sky Pack camp tomorrow." She said. Sans ignored her and got straight to the point.

"why did you defend me?" He asked. She looked at him.

"Because you are worth defending. There is kindness and love in your soul. You are a good monster Sans. All we have to do is prove that to (Y/N). We have to make her see what mistakes are being made. She sees that and you are free of the guilt that has engulfed you. She will be free of the hate that blinds her. Now, we must rest. Sky Pack camp is a long ways away from here." Dust said and went to sleep. Sans thought about her words. "You are a good monster Sans."  Sans frowned. am i? He wondered.

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