Chapter 14

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You'd been living with the skeleton brothers for 5 months now. Sans had become irresistible to you. Sans and you did everything together. You'd visited your pack friends once in a while. They loved getting updates on city life. Lightning used to do that, but...yeah. You'd long since forgiven Sans for it. As it turned out he wasn't the one that did it. Roy had caused the rocks to fall on him. Thunder had said that when they trained there a week after she'd left they'd found traces of his fur and scent. Roy had pushed the rocks down on top of him. You'd been outraged but you knew that Roy was dead. He'd gotten what he deserved for that.

Putting that aside, you wanted to show Sans how much you had grown to care for him. You had an idea. Over a few days you had planned it all out. You walked up to Sans and breathed in and out. 

"Sans?" You asked. He turned around after hearing your voice.

"oh, heya kitten, what's up?" He asked. You had to say it.

"I was you want to...uh well...come with me tomorrow? I'm heading somewhere to do some stuff. I could use a helping hand or two." You said. He nodded.

"sure thing kitten!" He said. You smiled.

*The next day*

You led Sans to the lake again. You walked on the water with him holding your hand so that way he could too. You went out to the island. Sans looked confused why you both were there. You led him to the center of the island. Waiting there was something you'd never thought youd do for someone else.

Sans' POV

where is she taking me? Sans wondered. She took him to the center of the island. When they got there she turned and faced him. 

"Sans, I need you to do one thing for me." She said.

"what is it kitten?"

"Close your eyes." Sans hesitated. 


"You have to trust me." Sans nodded. 

"alright." Sans closed his eyes. He heard bushes rustle or something. 

"Ok. You can open them." She said. Sans did and was shocked by what he saw. She was standing in the center of a big heart made of flowers. Half of them were blue the other half was (f/c). She was blushing like crazy. Sans walked closer admiring the other things around them. The trees and the grass they all were covered in flowers and there were even butterflies flying in groups. Sans noticed a pattern. They formed a rainbow and then they broke up and flew around (Y/N). He couldn't see her. When she was revealed Sans stared in awe. She looked beautiful. Her hair was (cool hair style). Her dress was (fav dress). She looked all around stunning. 



"how did you...this is amazing. why did you do this?" He asked. She smiled.

"Because, I was wondering, do you want to be my boyfriend?" She asked. Sans swallowed. She was asking him? Sans smiled and walked up to her.

"do you look amazing right now?" He asked. She frowned. 

"Really? Yes?" She asked astonished.

"not yes," Sans hugged her. "of course. there is no other answer." He said. She smiled and hugged him back. 

"I love you." Sans froze. Then he smiled.

"i love you too kitten." He said.

(That's the end! Thank you all for joining me on this adventure! I'm not making a part two to this so if anyone wanted one I'm sorry but that's the last chapter. I'm honored that you even came with me on this adventure! Thank you all once again and with that said this is Spiritwing13 howling a final goodbye for this book! I love every one of ya my lovely readers! Author AHWOOOT! See ya in the next book! Keep an eye on my profile for another fun book that's yet to come!)

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