Chapter 7

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(WARNING mature content ahead!)

"Maya!" You shouted as she waved from the edge of the cliff. You flew up there dragging Sans up with you. He let go as his feet touched the ground again. "I haven't seen you in years!" 

"Yeah, remember the last time we saw each other?"

".....Yeah...." You said. Maya frowned. 

"Oh right. I forgot about the....incident." She said.

"Never mind that. It's good to see you again." You told her. Then she finally realized that she had no idea who Sans was.

"Oh, um...hi!" She said looking at him.

"heya, name's Sans, Sans the skeleton. nice to meet you Maya." He said.

"Same to you." She replied. Then you heard singing. You knew that voice. 

"You are not trusting me enough. You are not trusting me enough." They sang. 

"No way, that can't be." You said.

"It is." Maya chuckled. You saw a girl with dark-er brown curly pigtails walking toward you while looking at her phone listening to the song 'Trust me by CK9C'. She looked up and her eyes widened.



"I missed you so much!" She shouted hugging you.

"Same!" You laughed. Sans smiled.

"so are these your old friends kitten?"

"Wait what?" Maya asked.

"Did he just call you kitten?" Willow asked.

"Just a nickname." you replied.

"Yeah like Wilbow!" Maya laughed. You gasped.

"YAAAS!" You agreed. Willow face palmed.

"Right, now that you're back, that's back." She chuckled.

"Anyway, I'm really glad we found you (Y/N). We're having a sleepover party at my place and Willow made me swear to get as many of our friends as possible. When i saw you out on the lake I knew Willow would kill me if I didn't invite you." Maya said.

"Yeah I would've! It's only my best friend you'd be leaving out!" She agreed. You stared at them.

"Guys..I don't know what to say! Thank you!"

"you're going kitten?" Sans asked. You turned. Oh right. You thought. 

"Uh, hey guys, could I bring a guest?"

"Sorry, girls only party." Maya said. 

"Oh, well then....I don't know if-"

"don't stay home just for me. it's fine kitten." Sans said. You smiled. 

"Thanks Sans." You said hugging him. He smiled and hugged back.

"anytime kitten." He replied.

"Hey (Y/N), we were coming out to town to get some supplies for the party. Wanna come?"

"If it's ok with Sans then sure!"

"i'm cool with it. see you later, alright kitten?" He said.

"Later Sans!" You called hurrying after your friends.

Sans' POV

should i have said no? Sans wondered. it's fine. it's a girls only party anyway. what could happen right? they're her friends so i've got nothing to worry about....right? Sans wondered starting to head home. 

I Fell In Love...With You? (Sans x Monster Reader)Where stories live. Discover now