Chapter 5

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You ate and drank from the pond before getting ready to leave. Then you heard Foam yowling in panic.

"It's the Dark Pack! They're here! They're coming!" She shrieked, running around wildly. You shot to your paws. Sans looked up.

"the Dark Pack? how many packs are there?"

"Five." You replied. "And if the Dark Pack is here, it can only mean trouble." You ran up to face them next to River. Death, their alpha, looked at you in surprise.

"Well well River, finally housing the weakest pack in the forest?" He asked. Your fur spiked up defensively.

"My pack is not weak! I'm the only Sky Pack wolf here!" You snarled. Sans was next to you. Death grinned at him.

"What's up with the walking skinned prey? Smells like ketchup. I wonder if we can get a different red substance out of him. Hahahaha!" His pack laughed in agreement. You stepped in front of Sans.

"You touch him and you'll be named Dead instead of Death." You hissed. Sans stared at you in shock. Death growled. River stepped forward.

"Why are you here?" She asked.

"Simple, my territory doesn't have enough prey and healthy conditions. I came to request a piece of your land." He said. River gave him an ugly glare.

"Get out of my camp. Get off my territory." She ordered. He laughed.

"I knew you'd leave me no choice. Dark Pack atta-" Before he could finish a spear impaled him. You gasped. His pack stood frozen in shock. His legs buckled and he laid there bleeding. Then Undyne was there. Asgore and Papyrus were with her too.

"What? How did you know how to find us?" You asked.

"Uh, you guys left a lot of footprints. The blood trail is what I'm gonna ask about." Undyne said. You opened your mouth to explain, but then the Dark Pack snarled at you all.

"I'll explain later!" You said and charged at them. River howled and her pack ran at them too. You clawed any enemy that came close. "Come on!" You called to your friends.

"No! You must leave this place! Sea Pack can handle this!" River barked. You nodded. You ducked under Sans and he grabbed your wings and held on. River sent three wolves to help your other friends. Her strongest wolf had to carry Asgore, but luckily the Sea Pack outnumbered the Dark Pack and without Death's leadership they were like a family of scattered mice. You ran through the forest and stopped at the edge of it. You were back at the town. You thanked the Sea Pack wolves for their help and they left. You went home. Toriel, Frisk, Alphys, Mettaton, and Flowey were all waiting for you.

"Sans! (Y/N)!" Frisk yelled jumped up to hug Sans. He smiled.

"hey calm down there kid. we're fine." Sans said. Then Papyrus noticed the bandages on you.

"FINE?! (Y/N) DOESN'T LOOK FINE SANS!" He said. Sans looked at him.

"it's a long story bro." Sans said. Undyne didn't care.

"What was that all about?!" She yelled at you. You backed up in fear and surprise.

"Undyne, leave her alone." Sans ordered. She turned.

"Why should I?! Blood trails, packs fighting, you both vanishing into thin air, and you want me to just let it be?! NO WAY!" She yelled. "How do we know that wasn't a set up?! She might've just wanted to lead you into a death zone and stage her loyalty to you! She might want us all dead!" You gasped. Before Papyrus could say anything Sans' eye was flaming and he was glaring at Undyne.

"That's a lie." Sans hissed.

"Oh really?!" She turned back to you. "Then why don't you tell me what happened?!" She ordered.

I Fell In Love...With You? (Sans x Monster Reader)Where stories live. Discover now