Childhood Promise

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Yeah... I made my example in a one-shot! No problem, right? Right? *puppy eyes* Yay! Let's start!

Child! Shimon x Child! Reader

12 years ago... Shimon: 6.   You:6

y/n and Shimon were playing hide and seek in Shimon's backyard. Unfortunately, he was "it".

"Come out, come out wherever you are~", he sang as he looked everywhere. y/n was just giggling above a tree. She was having fun clearly.

When Shimon was under the tree, y/n made a jump for it and landed on his back.

"Haha! Gotcha, Shimmy!", y/n giggled as she landed. Shimon then put her down.

"Haha! You got me again!", Shimon said while smiling widely. He had really taken a liking to the h/c-haired friend.

"Hey, Shimmy...", y/n said quietly. She was looking at him.

"Hm?", he hummed in response. He noticed the hint of sadness in her voice. When he looked at her, he was shocked.

His friend was crying. Her tears spilling down her beautiful s/c face. He couldn't stand it as she was precious to him. He wiped her tears away using his little thumbs and cupped her delicate face.

"What is it, y/n? Why are you crying?", a hint of worry was present in his voice. He was worried about his h/c-haired friend. He never saw her crying. It stabbed him in his heart to see his only friend crying.

"Ne, Shimmy... My parents said we are moving away. I don't know where, but, I don't want to leave you, Shimmy...", she said, her voice shaking.

"W-What?! No!", Shimon said, tears threatening to spill. He was heartbroken that his only friend was moving away.

"But, Shimmy... I'm sure we'll see each other again. I'm sure of it...", y/n said, hoping she can ease his pain.

"Okay... But, p-promise me something, y/n...", Shimon said while wiping his spilling tears of sadness.

"A-Anything, Shimmy...", y/n said while cupping his face. He looked at her in her beautiful, mesmerizing e/c eyes...

"P-Promise me that, when w-we see each other a-again... W-we'll get m-married...", Shimon stuttered while looking away, blushing redder than his hair.

y/n smiled sweetly. She liked Shimon too. It was a promise she will never forget.

"It's a pinky promise...", y/n said while sticking out her pinky. Shimon sticked out his pinky too and they intertwined their pinkies.

"Pinky promise...", Shimon said while smiling.

~To the day y/n leaves~

"Bye, Shimmy! I'll see you in the future! I'll never forget our promise! Take care!", y/n said while smiling.

"Bye too! I'll never forget it and take care!", Shimon said while waving goodbye. He knew he will see his friend again.

Present time... Shimon: 18  You: 18  

Shimon's POV

Tch. Another kegare appeared again. And it's a pretty strong one. What a waste of time. The twin stars and Otomi are here too.

I exorcised the kegare but I didn't notice another stronger one. It was about to attack me when...

"Shimon, watch out!", Enmado yelled at me.

"Rekku Madan! Kyu kyu nyo ritsu ryo!"

That voice is familiar. Just then, it hit the kegare but it wasn't strong enough to exorcise it. The stranger then swung her swords at the Kegare.

"Sutāfenikkusu no Dansu!"

The exorcist then slashed at the Kegare at amazing speed, almost topping Benio's. The exorcist was like a golden blur. Then the Kegare was exorcised. The exorcist walked towards me and that's when I realized it was a familiar girl.

"She's fast like Adashino-san", Otomi commented.

"Hey! Are you alri--- Shimmy?", the girl said. My eyes widened at the nickname.

"Shimmy? Ikaruga-san, do you know her?", Benio asked. No way. It couldn't be her... I covered my mouth in shock.

"Y-y/n?", I stuttered. I got a clearer vision and it was really her.

"It's really you, Shimmy!", y/n ran up to me and hugged me tightly and I hugged her back.

"Woah, Shimon. I never knew you had a friend before. She must be really close since she calls you by a nickname, right?", Enmado said. I just blushed unintentionally.

"I think we might be interrupting a sweet reunion here so, let's go now guys", Otomi said and they exited magano. I sighed. Then, y/n pulled away.

"Long time no see! You're really handsome Shimmy!", y/n said cheerfully. She also has grown beautifully. She had her c-curvy b-body with b-big b-boobs like Otomi... Pfft! Shimon! Stop thinking like that.

"Ne, Shimmy, do you still remember our promise?", y/n asked, hope present in her beautiful e/c eyes.

"Y-yeah...", I replied looking away, blushing. I loved her. So much. I couldn't stop thinking about her. Just her smile makes my heart flutter.

"I love you, Shimmy...", she confessed, biting her lower lip. I smiled and pulled her in for a kiss. It was passionate and filled with love. Our tongues fought for dominance but I won. We pulled away, panting.

"I love you too, y/n...", I replied, pulling her in a hug. We exited Magano and we were met by teases from the Twin Stars and Otomi.
I wish this moment will last forever...

~The End~

Well! That's my first one-shot! Hope you guys like it! BTW, I don't do lemons...

I'm too innocent for that! >_<
Please request much if you guys want!
Love you all! Mwah!

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