Family Part 2

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Soooo... koneko_private requested me for two parts and I just can't decline it cuz I love mah dear readers so much! ≧ω≦

Sooo... This is part 2, as I promised. The continuation of what will be Tenma's reaction at you!!! ^.^

Tenma: I don't care... *crosses his

Shimon: I think it will be nice...

Tenma: Shut up, bird-maru...

Me: Stop fighting!!! Here are the papers... Now SHOO!!!

Hope you guys enjoy it~

Tenma x Wife! Reader part 2

Tenma's POV

What a day. Phew. I miss y/n even though it's just a few hours. I'm reallya little clingy to her. It's because of all the love I have for her. I love her so much. So much that I couldn't imagine what I could do if I lose her.

I'll seriously go insane if I lose her.

I went to our bedroom where it seems y/n was talking to someone. And it was Subaru-san. y/n was crying?!

"Shhh.... Just tell him the news about you...", Subaru-san told y/n. She broke down into more tears. It was killing me inside to see her cry so much.

"But I can't muster that much courage to tell Tenma if he doesn't want it!", she said. Me? What does she want to tell me that she says I don't want?

Gathering up courage, I stepped in their conversation...

"What were you supposed to tell me, my wife?", I said in a stern voice. y/n tensed up a bit. Subaru-san pulled away from y/n and turned around to leave.

"Maybe I'll leave you two for some privacy...", Subaru-san said while walking away.

"So?", I asked y/n impatiently. What is she gonna tell me?

"U-Ummm... T-Tenma...", she stuttered. She's really that nervous? I can't hold it anymore. I'm really impatient when it comes to things like this so I decided to call her by her name to make her say it.

"Spit it out, y/n", I said impatiently. She seemed a little shock but returned back to normal. She took a deep breath.

"Tenma, I'm pregnant", she said seriously.

I was shocked. When was the last time again? Right, three months ago. We did it, three months ago. She might be nervous because when she asked me yesterday about having children, I told her not now. So that's why...

"y/n...", I slowly approached her and embraced her gently. She cried again while she buried her face in my chest.
I'm happy if she is pregnant. This child in her womb is the result of our love.

"D-Do you *sob* n-not want this *sob* child? W-Will you *sob* l-leave me---"

"STOP SAYING THAT!", I cut her off. I am furious at myself. For hurting her. For letting her having the wring thoughts. And for making her think I will leave her just because of this child.

"T-Tenma...", she said softly while looking at me with teary eyes. Those shining e/c eyes of her are always beautiful.

"Forget what I said yesterday, we have our own child now... So stop crying, my wife", I said softly. I cupped her cheeks and kissed her softly. When we pulled away, I rested my forehead on hers.

"I can't wait for our child to be born, Tenma. I'm sure he/she is very beautiful", y/n said softly. I coupd tell she was very happy. It was in those beautiful e/c eyes of her.

"Me too. Why don't you rest now?", I told her. She nodded as a response and pulled me to the bed.

"Stay with me, please?", she pleaded. I will never decline what she asks, as she is my one and only, beautiful wife.

"Of course, my wife. Now, go to sleep... I will be right here when you wake up", I smiled softly at her. She slowly closed her eyes and later on, I couod hear small snores. I chuckled at the thought of that.

~4 months later~

"Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Unomiya! It's a baby girl!", the doctor said. y/n was there, lying down, tears of joy streaming down her beautiful face. (Am I making Tenma too cheesy?)

"Thank you very much, doctor", I said while smiling widely. A baby girl. I would love to have that. She will grow up with much love and care.

~ 2 months later ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ ~

"Okay, Mrs. Unomiya, push! Push!", the doctor shouted. I was holding y/n's hand. She really had a death grip!

"AAAAGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!", y/n shouted.

"Huwaaahh! Huwaaahh! Huwaahh!"

Is that our child? Our little daughter?

The nurse handed her to me.

"Here you go, Mr. Unomiya. There, there....", the nurse said.

She was so beautiful. Just like her mother. She had h/c hair, just like y/n and she got my heterochromatic eyes.
(Hey eyes are just like Tenma's eyes. Lol. I can't point out what's the color of the other one but one is gold? I think? Sorry...)

"Tenma, is that her? Can I?", y/n said weakly. I nodded and brought our child closer to her. She was smiling.

"Tenma, what should we name her?", she asked. I smiled at her.

"Hana... Unomiya Hana...", I said. She smiled widely.

"It's beautiful, Tenma...", she said.

"Go rest, my wife...", I said to her. She nodded and closed her eyes. She slept peacefully.

Hana was also sleeping peacefully. They had the same peaceful faces while sleeping.

"I promise you, Unomiya y/n, my wife and Unomiya Hana, my child... I will protect the two of you with my life... Until my very last breath...", I said, while slowly drifting off to sleep... With my family, in my arms...

~The End~

Sooooo... How was it guys?!
Is it good?
Did you guys like it?
Was Tenma too cheesy?
Did I make him too cheesy?
Am I asking too many questions?

Tenma: Yes, you are...

Me: Oh, okay...

Mayura: Its okay CP...

Me: Well... I was wondering if my dear readers would like me to create a chappie where you they can ask some questions for you guys...

Benio: It sounds good to me...

Rokuro: I guess, no problem right?

Shimon: Maybe...

Tenma: Just shut up, CP...

Me: Okie dokie! So! Its okay for them then! You guys can put it down in the comments below! Also keep the requests coming! I love it!

Love you all! Mwah!
Babush, mah dear readers!

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