I Found You

479 11 28

Gab: Yieeeeeeee!!!! Yuto requests are flooding me like a tsunami! 😂

Kris: Whaaaaa?

Tenma: -_-

Gab: Ohohoho~ Could it be, that the Unomiya Tenma is jealous~?

Tenma: v_v I ain't jealous

Gab: :3 Sure you are~

Kris: (//Δ//)

Gab: Nvm, we're getting out of topic---

[This will be short, S O R R Y]

Yuuto x Reader Soulmate AU!

[When you find your soulmate, your black tattoo lights up and disappears]

Third Person's POV

It was a great morning. (y/n) went out and stretched her (s/c) arms out. She breathed in the fresh morning air and looked around. Nothing else was happening except for the occasional squeaks of wildlife from the forest near her house.

Yes, this girl lived near a forest. (y/n) looked at the flower-shaped black mark on the back of her hand. She didn't bother too much about finding her soulmate. She was focused on surviving independently and proving to her parents she can live as she be.

The (h/c)-haired girl did her morning routines, like bathing, dressing up and getting her bow and arrow and knives. (YES, THE READER IS A HUNTRESS 😂)
She set out in the wild to find herself some deer or rabbits.

Suddenly, she felt weird. Her head ached badly and she had to massage it a few times to ease the pain. (y/n) looked around and found that her surroundings were not the same as before. The sky was bloody red, as well as the ground. The buildings were destroyed like a hurricane came over it. Then she heard it. Humongous footsteps. The ground shaking every single time.

"What the hell...", (y/n) turned around to see a giant monster covered in markings and the net-like mark on its chest, glowing gold. No doubt, a True Serpent.

She may have known things about exorcism, but there was NO WAY she can defeat this one. Without another thought, she ran the opposite direction. The (h/c)-haired girl struggled for breath as she hid away from the Impurity.

"Someone... help me...", (y/n) whimpered as she hugged her knees and buried her head on them.

A huge explosion brought the miserable girl out of her thoughts. She looked up, a shadow looming over her. Her hand tingled as she turned her attention to it, seeing it light up in a (f/c) color. (y/n)'s eyes widened in surprise as she whipped her head to the shadow. He had cerulean hair, a golden eye and he wore an eyepatch. The tattoo on his hand was glowing a vibrant blue.

"W-What...", the girl's small voice echoed out.

The mysterious bluenette in front of her smiled brightly and held out a hand. She cautiously took it and stood up warily, dusting herself off with her unoccupied hand. The teenagers' tattoos slowly dissipated into the air.

It was a quiet and blissful moment, until (y/n) decided to break it.

"Hello... My name's... (y/n) (l/n). May I know your name?"

"Ijika Yuto. A pleasure to meet you", Yuto took her hand and placed a chaste kiss on it. (y/n)'s face heated up.

"I found you...", Yuto stated calmly and hugged the girl.

~Timeskip to 10 years later by Gab-chan rolling around like a burrito~

"Come back here!"

"No way~!"

It had been 5 years since (y/n) met Yuto. They were happy with each other. The girl later discovered at that time that Yuto was an Impurity but she accepted him, despite even he had done more horrors than anyone could have achieved.

By now, (y/n) and Yuto had a cute little girl named (d/n) (daughter's name :D, cause I don't want to name your child). She had your hair and a golden left eye with a (e/c) right eye. Everytime she'd smile, you could see Yuto in her.

(y/n) had never ever been happier right now. She was with her own family.


"Oh come on, dad!!!"

"That's what you get for running away from mommy~"

"Thanks Yuto"

(y/n) walked over to him and kissed his cheek.

"Ne (y/n)..."


Yuto turned to the (h/c)-haired woman as he put the child to sleep.

"Let's give (d/n) a sibling"







Stay tuned for the next chap~!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2018 ⏰

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