Family Part 1

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Okay... So... I am sorry if in the notifications that I updated the part 1 of this story but you guys couldn't find it. I deleted it because there were weird number thingies and the chapter was cut. So... I made a new one.


This is requested by......


Yay! Thanks for requesting koneko_private! Love ya!
~(^з^)-♡   (๑・ω-)~♥”

Tenma x Wife! Reader

Your POV

Its been three months since Tenma and I did it. You guys know it, you know, since me and Tenma are married. Ever since, I was feeling light-headed, sleepy and I was having the urge to eat chocolates. Even though I don't eat chocolates that much.

I asked help from some female exorcists that I know. AND some even said That I could be PREGNANT! And I was like SERIOUSLY?!

Flashback from Subaru-san

"Ne, Subaru-san...", I called out. Subaru-san looked at me.

"Ara, ara... y/n-chan! Can I help you?", Subaru-san replied. I nodded in response.

"I'm always feeling light-headed, sleepy and have the urge to eat chocolates! What is with me, if I may ask?", I told Subaru-san.

"Hmmm...", Subaru-san was in deep thought. I could tell by the looks of her face. Then, she snapped her fingers.

"y/n-chan. Have you done it with Tenma?", Subaru-san asked. I nodded as a yes. I have a feeling that this is not good.

"Oh~ y/n-chan, I think you may be pregnant!",Subaru-san pointed out. My eyes widened and I was in a deep state of shock.

"Ne, S-Subaru-san... D-Do you thi-think Tenma wi-will h-hate me?", I asked, stuttering. We haven't planned on having children. I'm scared he might leave me.

"y/n-chan, if Tenma truly loves you, he will not hate you if you have a child. He will be happy instead!",Subaru-san answered, making me calm down a bit.

"Okay, Subaru-san! Arigato! Bye!", I said by leaving and waving my hand.

Flashback from Mayura

"Mayura?", I asked her. She hummed in response.

"What are the symptoms if you are pregnant?", I asked her. Mayura's eyes widened. Her jaw dropped.

"y/n-san are you pregnant?!", she shouted. Jeez... (¬_¬)

"Ummm... I just suspect that I may be pregnant... ", I looked down on my lap and fiddled my fingers nervously.

"O-Oh... Okay", Mayura answered.
"Well, you can be a little light-headed, you could sometimes have morning sickness and you may have the urge to much foods."

"I see... Arigato, Mayura!", I stood up. I waved goodbye while running away.


I sighed. What am I gonna do? I'm scared to tell Tenma about my suspicions. I sighed again.

"Maybe... I'll just buy it tomorrow", I said to myself.

"Buy what, my wife?"

That voice. It's Tenma's! Oh my god. Please.

"T-Tenma! You're h-home...", I said while walking over to him and hugged him. He hugged me back and rested his chin on my head.

"What did you say about buying something tomorrow?", he asked. I pulled away from the hug and but lower lip in nervousness.

"U-Ummm... T-Tenma. W-What do yo-you think a-about ha-having children?", I asked him, looking away.
He tilted his head to his side. He blinked a few times before answering.

"Hmmm... I would love to have children with you", he pulled me for another hug again.
"But maybe, not now."

His last sentence made my heart shatter into a million pieces. It stabbed me in the heart repeatedly.
His answer kept ringing in my head as fear built up inside of me.

'But maybe, not now...'

'But maybe, not now...'

'But maybe, not now...'

I tried my best not to cry. Thankfully, my tears didn't betray me. It hurts so much when Tenma said those words. Is he gonna leave me when I tell him my suspicions? Am I really pregnant? Please no. As much as I want to have children, I need to consider Tenma's opinion.

I can't be selfish. Should I leave if I'm pregnant?

"Okay, Tenma", I put on my best fake smile even though deep inside, I was broken and shattered into a million pieces. I pulled away from the hug. Hopefully, he wouldn't ask me about what I will buy tomorrow. I hope I'm not pregnant.

"Let's sleep now, shall we?", I asked him and he nodded. We slept in each other's arms peacefully.

~The next day~


"Why is life so cruel to me?", I asked myself while I looked at the cross on the pregnancy test. It was positive. I was pregnant. I immediately broke down into tears. A knock was heard.


That's Subaru-san! I immediately opened the door and she was shocked to see me cry.

"Why are you crying?", Subaru-san asked while she pulled me into a hug.

"S-Subaru-san... *sob* I... *sob* I'm pregnant! Tenma said yesterday that *sob* He... He... Doesn't want children *sob* for now!", I said between my sobs. Now what do I do? I cried in Subaru-san's shoulder, making her dress a little wet.

"Shhh... y/n-chan, its okay... Just tell him directly, maybe he'll understand", Subaru-san said directly. I looked at her straight in her face.

"But he may leave me because he doesn't want children...", I protested. I was silently crying.

"Shhh... Just tell him the news about you...", Subaru-san said. I broke down into more tears. She was drawing circles on my back to calm me down.

"I can't muster that much courage to tell Tenma about it because he doesn't want it!", I said while fresh tears were pouring down my s/c cheeks.

"What were you supposed to tell me, my wife?"

I stood there while being hugged by Subaru-san, shocked because Tenma just appeared.

"Maybe, I'll leave you two for some privacy...", Subaru-san said while pulling away and leaving me and Tenma in an awkward atmosphere.

"So?", Tenma asked impatiently.

"U-Ummm... T-Tenma...", I started.

"Spit it out, y/n", Tenma said. That's the first time he called me by my name after we were married. I muster up all my courage and blurted it out.

"Tenma, I'm pregnant"

That's the end of part 1!!! I hope you guys enjoyed it. Especially the requester, koneko_private! (^ω^)

Part 2 will come out soon! Please keep the requests coming! I love it!
Until next time guys!

Babush, mah dear readers!!!

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