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This is Gab-chan!!! *blows a trumpet so loud*

???: Seriously? 'Witch'?

Gab: Eh?! Why are you here?!

???: Cuz Mom told me so...

Gab: I hate ya bro... -.-

Bro: Nah...

Una: I'm gonna go...

Gab: Lemme come with ya!

Bro: No. You stay here, Gaby.

Gab: YOU AIN'T LIVIN' MAH LIFE MAMEN! *runs away with Una*

Bro: -.-

Tenma: She's so stubborn...

Bro: Right...

Me: -__-||


SEIKARI!!!!!! >_<

Aya: Yay!

Yukari: Look at that Seigen, they made a one-shot for us...

Seigen: Y-yeah... *blushes*

Everyone else: Awww~

Seigen: *glares at them*

This is an AU guys! Plus, first songfic :3 Tell me what u think... :)


Come now, gather around
Behold such a saddening tale
Come now, leave not handkerchief
It may keep you well

A mysteriously cloaked person was telling some young children an old tale. He/She was not known to the area but he/she knew the place well...

"Once upon a time, a witch fell in love with a prince..."

One time, long long ago
There lived a youg witch in the land
Ah yes, she came to love a young prince
So the story goes

A young prince was walking around his kingdom and greeting his people. At one point, he met a young woman who was apparently a witch.

"No need for a magic to stop time"
"No spell can achieve what I feel"
Love bounding through every hour
Joy lights a new day

"What's your name?", the prince asked.

"Yukari... Otomi Yukari", the witch answered and smiled at him warmly. He felt his heart skip a beat.

"My name's Prince Amawaka Seigen... It's a pleasure to meet you...", Seigen said.

Unbeknownst to them, a certain woman saw them.

Tie me tight to a cross
I look longing at the sky
"Penitence for your crime!"
"Penitence and your life!"

The evening breeze started kicking in and salty tears ran down her pale cheeks. Yukari looked at the reddish sky, crying. She was tied to cross. The people were watching her, shouting angry words at her.

If I pray, who will hear?
I am drowning in their cheers
Devotion turned to dusty tombs

Twin Star Exorcists One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now