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frnkiero: im home

frnkiero: youre probably still out doing things

frnkiero: i don't have afternoon lectures

frnkiero: not today at least

geewaykindagay: oh hey

geewaykindagay: yea i'm in the middle of the most boring lecture ever

geewaykindagay: it sucks

frnkiero: now you're sending lots of messages at once

geewaykindagay: shut up

frnkiero: k

geewaykindagay: wait don't

geewaykindagay: please don't

frnkiero: okaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

geewaykindagay: that's a lot of 'y's

frnkiero: hahahahahahahahahahah i know right??

geewaykindagay: are you okay

frnkiero: yea i'm completely fine dw i'll message you later i need lunch

geewaykindagay: okay eat well cya

Frank groaned a little as he turned off the phone. He didn't lie to Gerard about not having afternoon lectures, he didn't. The real reason why he had come home was because he had suffered a hard shove whilst going through the corridors in the college which really really hurt. His shoulders ached since pretty much everyone was a million times bigger than him or taller than him.
He sighed, laying flat on his bed, yawning softly. He'd sleep it off and if it still ached later he'd take some painkillers. Then, he fell asleep.

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