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frnk: hey gee

frnk: geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

frnk: gee gee gee gee gee gee gee gee gee

frnk: please

frnk: geeeeeeee

frnk: are you ignoring me??

frnk: offended

frnk: im hurt

geeisnotgayshutup: *i'm

frnk: oh

frnk: o h

frnk: you come on to correct my spelling??

geeisnotgayshutup: frsnk it's ten in the evening im trying to sleep early wth

frnk: you spelt my name wrong :(

geeisnotgay: yea so what

frnk: ouch

frnk: what's up with your name, pal?

geeisnotgay: it's saying that i'm not gay

frnk: oh

read 12:54

Gerard didn't bother to reply to Frank, he wasn't actually that bothered to reply. He was tired and full and his dinner had tasted like cat vomit. Heck, it wouldn't matter if he stopped messaging Frank, he didn't know the guy after all. His hand ran through his red hair as he dropped his phone onto the floor, putting it on charge before rolling over and flicking off the light. A few minutes later he was asleep.

frnk: are you mad at me?

On the other side of a screen somewhere Frank Iero paused, pressing his finger down.

do you wish to unsend?

message unsent.

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