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gee 💗: morning frank

gee 💗: i slept well

gee 💗: hope you did too

f.iero: oh g'morning gee

Frank smiled a little, replying to Gerard. Frank had renamed Gerard to have a heart by his name, which made him feel a little happier and slightly more cheerful for some reason. He sighed a little and awaited Gerard's reply.

gee 💗: morning frankie!!

gee 💗: happy sunday!!

f.iero: what's going on it's just a sunday

gee 💗: sundays are fundays!!

f.iero: waz that a pun

f.iero: *was

gee 💗: maybe !

gee 💗: hehe, i slept well so i'm just in a good mood

gee 💗: yknow

f.iero: that's good

f.iero: i slept kinda weird, i kept waking up

gee 💗: aww :(( why

f.iero: i just had a bad dream

f.iero: i had several

f.iero: idk it was weird

gee 💗: awww my poor frankie friend

f.iero: it wasn't that bad you're treating me like a baaaaaby

f.iero: and im not a baby!!

gee 💗: youre short though

gee 💗: you said you were 5'5"

f.iero: 5'6" actually

gee 💗: fine fine i got it wrong so what

f.iero: i'm just saying i'm not that small

gee 💗: yea you are

gee 💗: you need protecting and stuff

f.iero: oh please

gee 💗: no no you need protecting this settles it i'm protecting you

f.iero: wtaf??

gee 💗: no swearing!!

gee 💗: anyways, i gotta go, i'm meeting up with my brother today but i'll message you later :)

f.iero: okay okay gee gee

gee 💗: yea talk later little frnkie

gee 💗: *frankie

f.iero: cya geeeee xx

gee 💗: i got kisses :0

f.iero: you always get kisses

read 11:34

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