chapter five || bonjour

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Dallon's POV//
I sat down on the bus for around half an hour before anyone showed up. I was just sitting down on my bunk listening to some old music while I thought about my life. My brain has been all over the place lately. Sometimes I'm super happy and can forget every negative thought I've ever had and other times I can't even breathe without questioning my existence. Today was option number two.

I heard a small and gentle knock on the door before a smiling Dan and Kenny walked through. Dan walked over towards my bunk and looked around a bit before smiling at me. They were suspicious of what I was doing all alone in the bus.

"So Dal... Where's Brendon?" Kenny teased.

"Yeah, Dallon," Dan added, trying to be cool.

"Not sure, left him around an hour ago." I replied, partly joking and partly saddened

"You okay, Dal?" Dan said, taking a seat next to me on the couch.

"I'm all good, just a bit confused." I reply while thinking about Brendon.

"I don't mean to be rude but," Kenny started as he sat down in between Dan and I, "are you and Brendon like an official thing?"

"What?" I say, confusion in my voice.

"Well you guys have kissed and slept together..." Dan emphasizes the word slept.

"I fell asleep on him after a long night!" I say nervously.

"What Kenny is trying to say is," Dan says looking back and forth and Kenny and me, "Do you like Brendon for crying out loud?"

I felt the heat rise up in my cheeks and I immediately knew they were turning red. It doesn't take much to make me blush. I ran my fingers through my hair as I thought about how I could possible escape this situation. After what seemed like an hour long pause, I decided to just speak the truth.

"Well I..." I started before getting interrupted by the devil himself, Brendon, running in through the door.

"Guys! Where have you been?" Brendon pants, obviously out of breath from running. "The meet and greet was supposed to start 5 minutes ago!"

"Shit!" The three of us say in unison.

"Don't they normally start at 11? It's only 10:35!" I say.

"Last minute change that you guys would know about if you answered your phones!" Brendon responded.

I looked down at my phone and took it off airplane mode to see that I had 7 missed calls from Brendon, 18 from Zack, and god knows how many texts.

"Okay then let's go!" Dan says, running out of the bus with Kenny behind him.

Brendon grabs me as he begins to run and I can practically feel my heart fly out of my chest. While I'm not 100% sure how I feel about him, I know I have feelings for him.

We run all the way to the meet and feet area and immediately start it after a lecture on time management and responsibility from Zack.

The meet and greet went smoothly with the typical crying fans, hugs, and speechless teenagers. I love meeting them. I know i'm not supposed to have favorites but my favorite ones are the ones who you know you helped. We get a few people who are really thankful for our new song, 'Girls/Girls/Boys', and have recently come out.

They inspire me a lot. Sometimes I create little fantasies in my head where it's just Brendon and I living together and making music. In that world I'm out and proud and I'm living my dream. I quickly snap out of my daydream as the meet and greet comes to an end.

We close the curtain and gm head back to the bus. Brendon grabs my hand like he did before but this time we weren't running and he seemed to be doing it just for the heck of it. I looked down and examined his hands. His fingers were smaller than mine and fit into them well. His hands were soft and reminded me of clouds or clean sheets. It felt right.

I snapped out it and pulled my hand back. I went to put my hands in my sweatshirt pocket but Brendon grabbed my wrist to hold it again. I cringed in pain as he touched my wrists which still hurt from earlier. I tried to hold in my scream but my wrist hadn't fully scabbed yet and was just being held together by a bandage.

Brendon looked up at me with his milk chocolate eyes filled with sadness. He had already known that I cut myself from when he saw my wrists at soundcheck but it looked like this reminded him that it was real. The last thing I want is for Brendon to be sad.

A small and sudden burst of confidence filled up inside of me. I grabbed his face and pulled him in for a kiss as we stopped walking. I could feel Dan, Kenny, and Zack's eyes on us but for once I didn't care. Brendon kissed back as he slowly twirled his tongue inside my mouth. I pulled back as my insecurities flooded back into my brain. I stood there shyly and looked at Brendon once again.

Brendon's POV (in what seems like forever!) //

I looked at Dallon's beautiful blue eyes in awe. he stood awkwardly, looking at me as if he was searching for approval. I gave a smile, telling him that I wouldn't mind doing that again. It seemed like everything was perfect.

"Guys?" I hear Zack say with a look of confusion say to us.

"Yes? What's up?" I say cockily.

"Oh nothing, just ya know..." He began, "you shoving your tongue down Dallon's throat."

"Oh... that." I say like a smart ass. "I think Dallon may have taken the lead there so he might have to explain.

I have Dallon a small nudge on his shoulder. His eyes widened and I could see his fear growing by the second. He stood quietly for a second, thinking about what to say, before doing anything.

"Well.. Um.." He stuttered, "I'm gay and I also like to kiss Brendon."

"Ohhhh" I said sarcastically, "That's what we are! Just two pals who kiss."

"Yeah. Thanks for clearing everything up, Dal!" Kenny says, joining in with the joke.

"And here I was thinking that old Dallon might have a bit of a cru-" Dan joked before getting cut off by an embarrassed Dallon.

"Shut up!" Dallon said, obviously flustered. "Brendon and I are 'a thing'.

He used air quotes on 'a thing' when he spoke. He looked cute when he was embarrassed. I being someone who doesn't think before speaking, said what I felt.

"I don't know about you... but I like you, Dallon." I said confidently.

"Um.. I like you too." Dallon whispered nervously.

"Get a room!" Zack joked as we all completed our walk to the bus.

Things just might work out with my sexy tall glass of water.

A/N: WOW IM SO SORRY FOR LEAVING EVERYONE HANGING! I wish I updated sooner. my computer broke and it's annoying for me to write in my phone so I put it off. I have my school laptop but they check it and I don't think that they'd be happy about me writing gay fics where I might write ~smut~ in the futures. and i'm dealing with a lot regarding my living situation and family. anyways, thank you for sticking with me! I love you all and my DMs are always open.

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