chapter eighteen || lumière du jour

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Dallon's POV//

I sat up on Brendon and I's bed while Brendon laid his head on my lap. I held my notebook above him, careful not to wake him up, writing down some lyrics. I started to put together a song like Brendon suggested. It wasn't really what I wanted yet but it was okay. It was about how even when everyone is happy because the holidays are around, I'm just not into it. I grabbed my pen and titled it 'Sickly Sweet Holidays'.

It had taken about a week from when Brendon suggested it for me to write it. I wasn't sure if I was going to do anything with it because it felt really honest. I couldn't let the fans know that I'm not the geeky happy go lucky Dallon that they think I am.

"Dal? You writing?" Brendon mumbled, waking up and getting off my lap.

"Uh, Yeah." I said awkwardly, closing the notebook.

"Can I see?"

"Umm," I began nervously. "Sure."

Brendon smiled when I said that he could read it. It's weird sharing your own music. His hands grabbed the book carefully, keeping eye contact with me. He flipped through the pages for a bit before arriving on my the recent one. His eyes examined the page and his eyebrows furred as he read.

"Dal..." Brendon said. "This is really good."

"Uh, Thanks" I mumbled.

"We've gotta release this on iTunes!" Brendon said excitedly.

"Umm, it's a bit personal..."

"C'mon Dal!" He pestered.


"Come on! We'll record it in the studio out back!" He said, taking my hand and guiding me to the backyard.

He placed the large black headphones on my head and hooked up the microphone. He stood on the other side of he glass and motioned me to start singing. I didn't really want to do it but if it made Brendon happy I'd do it. I cleared my throat twice before starting to sing my lyrics. I messed up a bit but Brendon kept motioning for me to go on.

"Oh lights are shining down but I feel dead..." I sang, rubbing my fingers through my hair.

I loosely sang the rest if the song but tried to give it my all. Brendon just kept nodding supportively and waving me to keep going. It was cute.

"Dal that was perfect!" Brendon said excitedly, pulling me into a hug after finishing the recordings.

"Thanks, Bren." I laughed.

"Come on," He said to me, shitting the door to the studio. "Let's go eat."

We walked hand in hand together to the kitchen. Brendon opened the fridge and looked around for a minute before stepping back and smiling. He shut the fridge and turned over to the pantry only to shut it without grabbing anything again.

"Well as it seems that we have zero food in this house we're gonna have to go iut to eat." He smiled.

"Bren, we don't need to go out." I said uneasily. "I'm not really hungry."

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