chapter twenty-six || maigre

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Dallon's POV//

Fifteen pounds. I'm fifteen pounds down just under two months. I have to still look healthy so Brendon doesn't worry. That's the only reason I'm not thinner. Our wedding is this Saturday and it's currently Wednesday. Like usual, Brendon and I procrastinated and off our final fitting for our suits until today. We have chosen to not see each other's suits until the wedding. I'm finally skinny enough to look good in it.

I walk into the suits store and shoot a smile to the older lady at the counter. She recognizes me from my previous fitting and instantly pulls me to the back, grabbing my hand excitedly. We push through what seems like millions of suits until we arrive at the back fitting room where I see the finished look.

It's colored to what seems like to be a red wine that goes perfectly with my pale skin. I walk up to the finished product in awe and runs my hand over the silky fabric. The tie is a thinner black one that matches the black dress
shoes. The lady smiles at me as my excitement over the wedding grows.

"Do you like it?" The woman asks excitedly.

"It's amazing!" I say. "Is it similar to Brendon's?"

"No hints!" She laughs.

She designed both of ours suits to make sure that they go together well and has made sure that we don't see each other's outfits. I grab my suit off of the hanger and move the bag to my car. The feeling of the wedding settles in inside me and I feel a mixture of nerves and exciting grow. I try not to panic and I pack up my things quickly and get ready to leave in my car.

tw// brief panic attack

I sit down and try to slow my breaths down as my hands run through my hair. I shouldn't be stressed about this. Weddings are supposed to be happy and joyful. I don't want to always stress about things.

My breaths grow short despite me understanding that panicking is unnecessary. It feels like my logic and feelings are constantly in a fight with each other. My logical part of me understands that I'm just overthinking and that it's just a suit and I'm hair getting married. However, my emotions are stuck on full blast where they imagine the worst possible outcome.

I reach for my phone and pick it up, dialing Brendon's number, breaths shaky. It rings twice before he answers it.

"Dallon?" He says into the phone.

"H-Hey Bren-Brendon." I barely manage to say into the phone.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He asks me, worry and fear growing in his voice.

"I'm f-fine." I stumble out. "I just needed your- your voice."

"Oh, baby.." He says. "I love you."

He always knows what the right thing to say is and doesn't waist time telling me that it will all be okay or that everything is fine. He knows that it's not all going to be okay and instead reminds me that he's with me even though everything is a bit screwed up.

"Alright I'm okay now." I say, taking a few deep breaths and calming down.

"Be safe, Dallon."

I always overreact like this. In the moment it feels like the pain and lack of breath is going on for an eternity but it honestly only lasts a minute or two. I start my car and begin to drive back home to meet Brendon for dinner. The radio is turned off but my thoughts fill the silence with screams.

I see out white house of windows and smile as I'm reminded of Brendon. I walk up the pathway to our house and see that the lights are all on along with the tv. I unlock the door and step inside to see Pete, Patrick, Josh, and Tyler. Brendon isn't anywhere to be seen.

(yes ik this is cheesy let me be)

"Dallon!" Josh smiles, making his way over to me and giving me a hug. "Bachelor party!"

The other three greet me too and each give me hugs. I feel a mixture of love and also awkwardness.

"Where's Brendon?" I ask.

"You guys get separate bachelor parties," Pete begins. "We celebrate his tomorrow so he's having out with Zack tonight."

"Oh," I begin. "So what are we doing tonight?"

"It's a surprise!" Patrick says excitedly.

"Come on just tell me" I beg.

"You wouldn't come with us if you knew." Pete laughs, ushering me outside laughing.

"Oh God." I mumble as I get into the car.

Pete's POV//

Dallon's nervous as ever but he shouldn't be. He need this night. He needs a night of fun. He needs to be able to let loose and have some fun. I haven't seen him since that night and I'm still worried about him. I can't tell if he's doing better or not. He's a hard person to read.

Josh pulls the car to a stop and parks in front of a black building with neon lights spelling out 'the strip'. I smile as I look back to see Dallon's eyes go wide when he realized we have taken him to a gay strip club. We have to practically drag him out of the car limb by limb.

"Guys..." Dallon stutters out. "I'm almost married!"

"Almost!" Josh laughs, pulling him inside the male strip club.

I laugh as we are immediately faced with twenty or so clean cut men dancing around with cash. Dallon swallows a gulp and nervously joins the rest if us.

a/n: hello! I'm back (sorta)! Basically I started school really early (on the 9th) and was immediately engulfed in mountains of homework and I'm taking a few AP classes so I've been super busy! I also had soccer try outs so that was intense but they're done and I'm getting used to school so hopefully more writing again! This chapter was a filler since I needed to write something quick lol. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and make sure to comment, vote, and follow! Thanks for reading !

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