chapter twenty-four || fuyez

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Dallon's POV//

Running. I can't stop running. I sprint as far and as fast I can, Brendon chasing me but losing me after I turn the corner. I rest my back against the wall of what seems to be a closed flower store and allow the tears to escape my eyes. Reality hits me and I realize that I'm all alone, crying to myself after running away from my fiancé.

I pick my head up from my hands and wipe my tears, looking around at my surroundings. I'm in a part of town that I hadn't been in yet. To the left of me there's a drug store almost ready to close and to the right of me there's a nature park with a small lake. I turn and walk with my puffy eyes to the drug store and grab the nearest bottle of pills that I can find and check out at the cash register.

tw// suicide attempt, pills, overdose, etc.

As soon as I step outside I begin to down pill after pill, drinking from a dirty water fountain. I don't care what happens anymore. Brendon will move on. The band can find a new bassist. The earth will still turn. I lay down on the concrete, ready to finally leave. My eyes close and I start to drift off until I hear a loud cry and footsteps running in my direction. All sound cases out and light fades away.

Brendon's POV//

I see him lying on the floor with his eyes closed and an empty bottle of pills next to him. Tears begin to flood my eyes but I ignore them and try to keep a focused mind so I can help Dallon. My brain switches to autopilot and I'm dialing 911 while trying to get Dallon to puke. He's unconscious but he's alive.

Red and blue lights fill the street and an ambulance screeches as it comes to a stop, filling the street with the siren. Paramedics run over to Dallon and I and lift him onto the stretcher to carry him onto the ambulance.

"I need to be with him!" I cry, following them.

"Relation to the patient." The man orders.

"Fiancé." I say quickly, jumping in the ambulance regardless of what his answer was going to be.

I hold Dallon's hand as his unconscious body stays still. The medics are doing what they can to keep him stable. My eyes have lost all possible tears and now just ache without any way to satisfy the pain. I'm holding back sobs as I look at what Dallon has become. He doesn't know how much I love him. I thought that me proposing would show him but it's only made things worse.

I see the hospital grow closer and Dallon is rushed off the ambulance and taken inside. I step off the ambulance and enter the hospital worriedly. I start to follow Dallon until I'm stopped by a female doctor in her mid 30's.

"You have to wait here." She demands me.

"But-" I start.

"We are going to need to pump his stomach and I can guarantee you do not want to see your fiancé in that situation."

"O-Okay." I whimper out.

I turn around and sit down at an uncomfortable chair in the waiting room. Everyone around me is busy reading magazines or on their phone but I know I can't distract myself by something stupid. My mind is still racing with anxiety and fear. I feel my breaths shorten and I'm hit with a painful nostalgic feeling rising inside of me. I haven't had a panic attack in years. I had gotten so good.

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