chapter twenty-seven || cloches de mariage

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Brendon's POV//

Marriage. I'm marrying Dallon today. We'll spend the rest of our lives together. I look at myself in the mirror as I slide the suit jacket over my arms. Dallon and I arrived separately to the venue and I've been getting ready with my best men, Spencer and Pete, for the last hour or so. The official reception starts in less than fifteen and the rows of seats are filled up with excited friends.

My suit is a charcoal gray color with a maroon outlined lapel. I still don't know what Dallon's looks like but I know that he'll look great in it. He freaked out a bit when he had the final fitting and I'm nervous he'll have a panic attack here at the wedding. I just want him to feel comfortable with himself.

"Brendon!" Spencer calls to me, smiling. "We need to go wait at the end of the aisle."

"Alright!" I respond nervously.

"Don't stress man," He says, placing a hand on my shoulder. "You'll do great."

Dallon and I are walking down the aisle by ourselves as both of our parents don't support us and have no idea that we are getting married in the first place. My sisters and brother are here and are supportive of my life and career.

I snap out of my thoughts and start to make my way to the aisle. I fix my collar one last time before walking down the aisle, eyes watching my every move. It takes every conscious thought of mine to stop myself from running my fingers through my hair out of habit. I make my way to the end of the aisle, and wait for Dallon.

I lift my eyes from the floor to see Dallon walking down the aisle like that was his sole purpose in the world. He looks beautiful as ever. His eyes are brighter than usual, his hair still has its small flop in the front, his cheekbones are chiseled to perfection, and his smile is everything.

He runs his fingers through his hair and makes his way across from me in front of the priest. His suit is a satin maroon material with a thin black tie. I notice his small gay flag heart pin on his left pocket and smile. I think of how scared he was when we kissed. I think of how far he's come.

The celebrant says a few things and everyone is looking at me, waiting for what I will say. I grab the somewhat wrinkled paper from my pocket and clear my throat for my vow.

"Dallon James Weekes." I begin. "You are my partner, my love, my one and only. We met in 2009. You're hair was shaggy and flipped over your face and mine was full of carelessness."

I clear my throat once more, trying to avoid getting emotional and nostalgic over our first meeting.

"I used to think you were so scared and in need of protection but I later found out that you are the strongest person I know. Our story is one from a movie." I give a quick smile to Dallon whose eyes are beginning to water. "And I promise that I will never stop loving you, caring for you, and supporting you for as long as we're here."

Dallon gives me a supportive smile back and takes a deep breath. I know he's nervous but he's managing so well. He classes his throat and raises his ocean blue eyes to meet mine.

"Brendon Boyd Urie." He smiles. "You've saved me one million times. You're my rock. I always thought that boys like you only existed in fairy tales."

He doesn't stutter once through out his vow. He smiles again at me before starting again.

"You've been my reason to keep trying in all of the times where I've begged to give up. I promise that I will always love and support no matter what may happen."

The celebrant takes control after our vows and we say our 'I do's' to each other. Excitement fills my mind and body. I meet Dallon's eyes and wipe the tears from my eyes before they can form. Dallon bites his lip to hold back a smile but fails and does it anyway. We both look to the man officiating us and smile.

"Brendon, Dallon." The celebrant smiles. "You may now kiss one another."

I grab Dallon's face and pull him into a kiss. We keep it PG as we are in front of our friends and family. His hands are in my hair as he pulls back and smiles at me. I take his hand into mine and rises them up in excitement. My husband.

Dallon's POV//

Husband. Brendon is my husband. We are married.

One thousand thoughts are bouncing in my head as I sit hand in hand with Brendon at the reception party. Brendon planned the majority of the wedding so naturally it looks beautiful. There isn't a single decoration that appears out of place.

"I love you." Brendon whispers in my ear, squeezing my hand.

"I love you." I reply.

The party grows quiet as the DJ calls for our first dance. Brendon stands up first and takes my hand, dragging me to the dance floor. He places on hand on my shoulder and interlocks his other hand with mine. I rest my head on his shoulder as the music begins to play.

It's a French song that Brendon played me when we first met. He was on a ukulele kick and was obsessed with the fact that I speak French. Therefore, a ukulele cover of 'La Vie en Rose' plays as the background music to our own romantic movie.


a/n: hello! I am so sorry that I have been so busy lately! I hope you enjoyed the long awaited wedding chapter. alright important announcement** I plan on making this book to thirty chapters and I was wondering if I should make a sequel? The sequel will most likely be more drama, touring, and married life! Please comment your opinion on a sequel, vote for this chapter, and remember that you can dm anytime you need someone! Thank you so much for reading and remember to stay strong, stay safe, and stay alive.

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