♛ F O R M S 🌹

641 32 413

° C O N T E S T A N T
E N T R Y °

↬U S E R N A M E
(You should also put in the name you would like to be called in the contest as it is hard for me to memorize all of your usernames)

↬C O U N T R Y
(for me to know your timezones so that I can upload on a day where everyone can receive the notification on a reasonable time. This also to set reasonable dates for deadlines.)

↬Are you willing to participate for the whole year? I do not want any inactive members.

↬Are you okay with disadvantages and setbacks for the first place every round? This is to make things interesting but I need your opinion if you think it is too much.

↬How about advantages for the last placer every round? This is to make things interesting but I need your opinion if you think it is too much.

↬Even after you are eliminated, are you willing to support the remaining contestants? I do not want a sore loser.

↬There will be a Revival in the 13th round, if you were eliminated, would you be available for the Revival of an eliminated contestant? If you ended up being back in the competition but is inactive there will be complications.

↬ A C T I V E E M A I L ?
(Yes or No answers only)

↬Are you satisfied with the Final Prizes and the idea of Mini Prizes? I don't want people who complain about the prizes they won.

↬After this graphic war ends, will you be willing to join the next one? One of the prizes will be a reservation for the next graphic war.

↬Why do you want to join? This is to narrow down my options if there are too many applicants.

↬Do you have a suggestion to make this book better?

↬Please tag at least 3 people willing to join or are graphic designers as I am not as popular and I would want the competition to start before January 1, 2020.

↬Fulfilled all the requirements?

↬P A S S W O R D
(This is to check if you read through the rules and requirements)


° B Y S T A N D E R
R E Q U E S T °

↬T I T L E

↬S U B T I T L E

↬A U T H O R

↬P I C T U R E

↬P L O T

↬T H E M E
(not optional)
(Moods, Colors, Genres)

↬D E T A I L S
(anything specific you want)

↬D E A D L I N E
(is there a day where you really want your cover or are you willing to wait?)

↬Request will not be accepted if your book is not published

↬Request will not be accepted if there are sexual themes

↬Request will not be accepted if your book cover was already made from a graphic artist that you requested from

↬Request will not be accepted if it is not a comment.

Rozie Graphic Wars : 2020 EditionWhere stories live. Discover now