♛ Scoring 📝

516 30 6

Head Judge
Role: The overall decider of the winners and rankings. Is also the main scorer.


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Role: Aids the Head Judge. Gives their own scores and rankings. Scores of the co-judge will be added to the main judge's score.


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Unexperienced Co-Judge
(This is to have an outsider's opinion)
Role: Only provides their top 3 ranking

The_True_K - my sister

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Role: They are any of the random wattpad users that stumble upon this book or some of the people who I invite to vote. They don't affect the overall scoring but they decide the Star of the Round and tiebreaker as well as who gets eliminated.

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Remember, every person has a different opinion so please respect it.

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How I will score you: (The Co-Judges don't have to follow this format and will be judging you in their own way) The numbers here are only showing the ranges but I can still grade a 1 or a 9.


Theme (5)

5- Followed the theme to a tee, followed all requirements, knew what the round focuses on
4- Followed the theme, followed all requirements, didn't quite follow what the round focuses on
3- Followed the theme, didn't follow the requirements, knew what the round focused on
2- Didn't follow the theme, followed the requirements, knew the round focused on
1- Didn't follow the theme, didn't follow the requirements, didn't know what the round focused on

Technique (5)

5- Knows all the tips and tricks and applied it, knowledge of light, space, color and more is present
4- Knows all the tips and tricks and applied it, however, there are some mistakes in their editing
3- Knows some tips and tricks but they know average knowledge of elements of graphic designing
2- Knows some tips and tricks but they lack knowledge on specific elements of graphic designing
1- Doesn't know any tips and tricks and have no knowledge on specific elements of graphic designing

Creativity (5)

5- Stood out from the rest, went for the totally unexpected yet still followed the rules
4- Went for the unexpected and followed the rules but it didn't catch my eye
3- Didn't go for the unexpected but they followed the rules and had unique pictures
2- Didn't go for the unexpected but followed rules and had simple pictures
1- Didn't go for the unexpected, didn't follow the rules, used simple pictures

Neatness (5)

5- Really clean, high quality, no signs of editing mistakes, not blurry, precisce cropping, easy on the eyes
4- Really clean, high quality, little editing mistakes, not blurry, mistake in cropping, easy on the eyes
3- Really clean, normal quality, editing mistakes, not blurry, mistake in cropping, easy on the eyes
2- A bit clean, normal quality, editing mistakes, bit blurry, mistake in cropping, a little bit hard on the eyes
1- Not clean, low quality, editing mistakes, very blurry, mistake in cropping, hard on the eyes

Legibility of Font (5)

5- appropriate font, color, spacing, placement, size, easy to read, very unique and interesting
4- appropriate font, color, spacing, placement, size, easy to read, common fonts
3- appropriate font and color, incorrect spacing or placement, easy to read, common or unique fonts
2- appropriate font but incorrect color, spacing, placement, easy to read, common font
1- inappropriate font, color, spacing, placement, hard to read, common font

Overall Impact (5)

5- stands out, easy on the eyes, effectively simple, very professional, something worth paying for
4- unique looking, easy on the eyes, effective, professional, pretty looking
3- quite common, easy on the eyes, effective, okay looking but pretty
2- common concept, okay on the eyes, quite effective, okay looking but not really pretty
1- common concept, hard on the eyes, not effective, bad looking and really beginner looking

Total (30)

Just know that the level of importance is:

1st : Average Ranking
2nd : Overall Score
3rd : Bystander Votes

There will also be comments after the scoring so that you know why I specifically ranked you this way.

Tiebreaker: Most Votes

Eliminations: Contestant Votes, Audience Votes and Judges Votes

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