Damaged and Broken

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I was never loved. I feel all alone in this world, i know you have proberbly heard this from many people saying that they hate their mom or dad because they never got them what they wanted, but ever since i was born i was thrown aside. My parents left me at a rubish site when i was first born because they couldn't stand the sight of me. Another couple, who were friends of my parents decided that i could be useful in the future as a servant. I forgot to tell you that non of my family are humans, we're something else. Werewolves. From the age of 5, i was made to do the cleaning and cooking.

The pack house was the equivilant of a mansion. I had to clean all the rooms by myself. I learned the hard way not to speak to anybody, if i did i was punished. The punishments i recieved were as mild as a beating to not being fed for as much as a week. Nobody did anything because my parents were the alpha and luna of the pack. I tried running away before but i didnt get very far before i was dragged back and punched and kicked. They left me on the floor broken and bleeding. I sat there that night crying myself to sleep. I could here the snickers of laughter and people mocking me. I wept on the floor, my black limp hair fell across my shoulders in ragged clumps. It was knotty and i wasn't suprised i had never touched a brush in my whole life. I am 17 years old and i've never celebrated a birthday. Well if you class birthday beatings as a celebration then i guess i have. They came in everyday at the same time on the 25th December. Ironically my birthday was on christmas day. They would give me extra beatings too because it was christmas. I just lay there as they beat me, marking my body and giving me bruises. I lay on the attic floor where i stayed looking out of the window.

Usually on my birthday i would stay silent and i would look out of the window with child like eyes looking at the clumps of snow that fell on my window longing  to got out and play in the snow. I remember a saying that people usually made whishes on there birthday, my only wish was to be free of my current life, i wanted to get away from everything. I remember on my 16th birthday. I made my first shift, i was cooking in the kitchen and i felt pain. This pain was nothing like the pain i felt when my arm or leg was broken by a pack member. I felt all the bones in my body snap and change shape and position to accomadate my changing shape. I looked around only to see other people laughing at me. They laughed to see me in pain. When other members of the pack shifted they had somebody there to help them, their family, friends or their mate. I on the other hand had nobody. I had to go through the change by myself. They left me to change where i was and i felt fur sprout on my body. I collapsed on to the floor as my body continued to change. When the pain went away i looked down at my body. I was a pure white wolf. I could hear the gasps around me as the other members pointed at me shocked.

There were 4 main colours for wolves. Black - it was the colour of an alpha wolf, Grey - it was the colour of a beta wolf, Brown - it was the colour of a normal wolf and Blond - it was the colour of a half breed. These colours were the most common ones although they're 2 others, Silver and Black represented an elder of the werewolf community and white. White was the rarest, it showed purity and goodness only the wolfs with the kindest hearts had white fur. They were usually mated to alphas too. I wanted a mate but who would want me, i was only good for cooking and cleaning. I had no talents and i have been told i'm very ugly and disturbing to look at. They also told me my hair looked like a rats nest and my violet eyes made me look like a freak. I was the only wolf they knew with purple eyes.

After my first shift, they made me change into some rags to cover my naked body and i was forced to clean the mess that i made. After i vaccumed the floor and put the broken glass of plates in the bin i had to make dinner for the pack. I wrapped my hand in some tissue to help stop the bleeding that was caused by the sharp glass cutting into my skin. Sheyla, a member of the pack came up to me and pushed me, she took the tissue of me and told me to get to work. I shuddered as i was brought back to the present. I recalled on my memories to much. I would constantly remind myself to not dawn on my past but to look to the future. I would hope somebody would find me or i would escape. I could only hope. I curled up on the attic floor as i didn't have a bed and closed my eyes as a cold draft blew through the house. I dreamt of the freedom i wanted, but could never have. I looked at the moon through the window for the final time as i closed my eyes again for the night.




Thanks for reading, this is my third book i have written. Its a werewolf/romance book. So how was it? Should i continue to write it? Let me know and i will update it. Lauren

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