Behind closed doors

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Athena's P.O.V

Waking up in the bed is really strange when you have slept in the attic all you life, apart from the times you slept outside. When i noticed warm arms wrapped around my waist i gasped and tried to wriggle free of their hold. I stuggled and became agitated quite quickly, in my mind i was begging these arms to let me go. When i felt his arms disappear i panicked thinking he had moved them to hit me, i flinched and moved away from him. I accidently rolled a bit to far away and fell of the edge of the bed. The ground rushed up to meet me as i collided with it. I tried to hide a quick scream as i felt pain in my lower legs and my right arm. I saw two eyes peering over the edge of the bed scanning for any danger. He gave me his hand and pulled me up. I got up quickly and asked,

"Do you have a bathroom Alpha?" I looked quite desperate and he replied immediatly.

"Yes, it's across the hallway from here 5 doors down and please dont call me alpha, it makes me sound ancient." He smiled,and i nodded my head weakly,

"Yes alp...i mean sir...i mean Ethan" I stuttered. I limped out the door ignoring his worries about me limping, when i stood outside the bathroom i reached out and gasped as fire burned in my arm. I think i fractured it yestarday when i was attacked. I sighed, it would take weeks for it to heal. I constantly shifted my weight from leg to leg as they burned too. I would take a closer look when i got into the bathroom. I opened the door and walked in.

It was quite spacious with a large bath tub in the one corner and a shower in the other. I noticed there was a toilet and above the toilet was a small but simple clock. It read 3:00pm, it was late. Very late. I locked the door behind me and i went and sat in the shower stool and i wrapped my hands around my knees. It was just me behind closed doors and i sat there feeling alone again, it felt like my normal life again except i never had a shower before. I knew what one was but i was never allowed a shower. I wasn't worthy of one so instead i used a bar of soap, water and rags to wash myself. I only had a bottle of shampoo for my hair but i was grateful for that small gift. It meant the world to me. As i sat there i rocked myself as some tears escaped my blurry eyes. I tried to wipe them away but they kept falling despite my efforts. I turned on the shower and i sat there in my clothes letting the warm water fall over my body. It was very relaxing and i felt exausted, i couldn't see how i was tired but i'm guessing that it was from my injuries i sustained and that i was still tired for the many years of my life that i was disturbed. My body craved sleep so i let my back rest against the tiles as my eyes shut and i gave my body up to darkness.

Ethans P.O.V

I sat outside the door and listened as she cried, it broke my heart to hear her like this. It aslo made me mad to think how those bastards made her live like this, they broke her and left her damaged. She was left to pick up the pieces. As soon as her cries ceased, i knocked on the door softly,

"Baby, can i come in" I whispered through the door. I still didn't know her name and she was my mate, i know, shocking. I didn't want to pressure her into something that time would reveal, i still didn't know if she realised we were mates, in time she would ask me. I didn't hear a reply and i began to get worried and i noticed the water was still running. It had been about 20 minutes and i hadn't heard no reply, no shuffling in the shower of her moving about. I tried opening the door but it was locked and then i started to panic. I took a few steps back and kicked open the door. BANG. It hit the floor and it slid across the floor too. I noticed that the floor was covered in water. At first i thought she had got in the bath, fell asleep and left the taps running. I thought she was dead but i heard the shower on so that thought was wiped out my head. I turned and looked at the shower and there she was. Her hair was wet and limp as it hung in clumps from her head. It was very wavy and curly though, and it looked very wild. I turned off the shower and as i did, i heard her light snores. I sighed in relief, it was like a weight being lifted off my chest. I picked her up ignoring the fact that i would become wet holding her and i grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her.

I took her to the pack doctor whilst she was asleep because earlier i saw a slight limp. I just wanted to have her checked out. When i got there i saw Isabella, she was the pack doctor. She smiled and waved her hand and walked to another room. I followed her and placed my girl on the bed she pointed at.

"What seems to be the problem" She asked putting her glasses on,

"Isabella, always wanting to know the problem, well i suppose it is your job. This beautiful girl here is my mate and although i haven't told her i dont think she knows. Yestarday she got into a fight and was attacked. I carried her home thinking nothing off it at the time but she woke up with a limp today and i was wondering could you do anything to give her nutritions and food quickly because i don't think she will eat because of how her old pack treated her." She nodded taking all the information in.

"I will set up an IV with fluids that will help with her nutrition and i will insert a feeding tube. As for her injuries i will give her a quick look and anything that looks suspicious i will send her for an X-ray." She concluded, i thanked her and she dissapeared for a few minutes before coming back with a feeding tube, a feeding bag, fluids and an IV wire. She placed them on the side and asked me to move away from the bed as she began her observation. She looked closely at her arms, legs, neck, chest and back before she wrote down a few notes. She then picked up the phone and ordered a portable X-ray to be brought to the room. It arrived within a matter of minutes. She placed the camera thing over her arm and placed something under her arm. I had to wear an apron thing but i didn't make a fuss i just put it on. She did the same for her ribs and both legs. She finished writing and then the machine was taken away. I went and sat on a seat that had been placed by the bed. Isabella came back and placed the IV in her hand. The feeding tube was placed down her nose. I cringed watching it going in. I was told it would go down her throat into her stomach. I was told it was called Nasogastric tube but i didn't understand what she meant by that word. To be honest it scared me when doctors used big words you didn't understand. She had confirmation that the pictures from the scans had come up and i followed where she led. She pointed at the computer and explained what each bone was.

"She has a broken left leg and a few bruised ribs at the most but her arm was also broken too. She will only need crutches for 2 days at the most, her bones will heal quickly" I nodded grateful that i had killed that little shit, otherwise known as the rogue. I went back to sit by her side. We would be able to leave tomorrow. I just needed to know that she had enough nutritions to keep her going. When i returned to her side i held her hand waiting for her to finish her sleep.

Athena's P.O.V

I felt a slight pain in my hand when i awoke. I decided to take a look and see what was bothering me, turns out i had a needle sticking out of my hand. HELL TO THE NO! I need to get this thing out of me, i thought. I tried to pull it out of my hand but somebody elses hands pulled me away from it. I was deathly afraid of needles, spiders and being beaten or told off. I begged the person to take the needle out of my hand but they shook there head. I cursed the person.

"How are you feeling" He asked, his voice a mixture of tones, he sounded worried and authoritive at the same time. I nodded and said,

"I feel fine, but why wont you let me take THIS out of me" I emphasised the needle pointing at it. He whispered back to me,

"This will help replace the vitimins and fluids your body needs to get better and stronger. Without these you will feel pain when you shift and you will be more fragile that other wolfs your age." He spoke honestly.

"Do you mind sleeping next to me, because you are really comfy." I patted the bed next to me and he smiled up at me beaming. I realised what i said and i slapped a hand over my mouth and appologised,

"I am so sorry Alpha, i didn't mean to say that" I whispered. He sighed and shook his head standing up.

"Dont be sorry, i was hoping you would ask me and i thought i told you to call me Ethan." I appologised again but he raised a finger to my lips silencing me. He moved me over slightly and jumped in the bed next to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck and i let out a breath i didn't know i was holding. I shuffled back and closer to his body. I felt like i belonged here in his arms, it felt right and i felt happy. I slept again feeling comfortable yet again for the second time in a row.




Well, what did you think of it, please comment i read them all, i would like to know your thoughts on this book. Well thanks for reading and i'll update soon. Lauren

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