My Daily Routine

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(I just had to put up another chapter, i couldn't help myself. Hehe i hope you like it)

Athena's P.O.V

Well today i'll tell you about my daily routine but first let me introduce myself proberly My name is Athena Ravens and i am 17 years old, i've already told you but i'll tell you again, i have Black hair and purple eyes. I have often been teased and bullied about my looks. I'm a werewolf and in my wolf form i'm a pure white colour. Well i've just been woken up by somebody getting a stick and banging the ceiling,

"Get up you lazy shit and start making breakfast" Screamed the luna. A.k.a my mother. I know what you're thinking families are ment to love each other. Corrections a typical stereo-type family loves each other. My family despises me with a passion. I just dont know why though. I got up and jumped down from the whole where a ladder is usually placed. They took it away so i would have to jump down and brake a bone in the process. I was used to this now. I looked down and quietly landed with a thump. I felt and heard one of my fingers crunch. I let out a silent cry in my head, i could hear the snickers of my brother and his friends. I looked behind me and saw them holding the ladder. I was used to it as it happened quite oftern. It would take twice the amount of time it should to heal because of so unhealthy i was. I was underweight from the lack of food i was never given, but it didn't matter. I could hold out for about a week before it had any effect on me. I learnt to survive on a glass of water a day. I know it doesn't seem like a lot but that was like a meal for me. That cup of water kept me alive. I've passed out before from the lack of food and water so they have actually had to feed me but only then it was scraps, like the crusts off the bread, the cores of apples and the bones of meat. This was like a feast to me. Yeah, to you it was rubbish that could go in the bin. I went downstairs to start cooking for everybody else. The one time i tried to sneak a bit of food that i was cooking for them, i managed to eat it but they caught me, they made me regurgitate it and then they threatened to cut my hands off if i ever did it again. I had never felt so guilty in my life. I tell you what though, i never did it again.

"Hurry up, you bitch." Called my brother. I walked quicker to get to the kitchen. But it didn't matter, i still got a punch from my father for taking so long. I started cooking various things for people, i made sausage, bacon, beans, toast, fried toast, black pudding, poached eggs, omelette, scrambled eggs, boiled eggs and fried tomato's. I then cut up fruit and sorted the cereal out on the side with the milk. I poured several glasses of juice for many people, then finally i got the yogurt. When i was finished surving breakfast everybody left to go to school and work. I was all alone in the pack house yet again. I asked before, why couldn't i go to school, my parents sneered at me and said,

"Somebody like you shouldn't have an education, you dont need one anyway, you have a job to clean and make us happy.Now run along i'm sure you have chores to do." My Father said smugly to me. One girl from the pack took pity on me and brought me several books, i read them all. There was maths, english, science, art, geography and history books. I found out that i had a photographic memory and i memorised everything. When somebody found out that i had these books, they snitched on me and the girl who gave them to me was disowned and kicked out of the pack. The only person who was nice to me. The books were then burned infront of my face. I didn't show any emotion because that only made them gloat. Anyway, everybody had left and i left to clean all the rooms. I did all the bedrooms first, i went into most of them and they just needed the beds making. I made the beds and opened the curtins to let the sunshine in. I squinted getting use to the light. I took out all the dirty laundry and put it in the washing machine to clean. I went and cleaned the bathrooms and cleaned the toilets and whilst i was in the bathroom i picked up my old and broken toothbrush that i have had for years and brushed my teeth, suprisingly they were still all there and white too. I cleaned the floors and mopped them and vaccumed them too. By the time i finished everybody was returning home. I then had to make a start on dinner. They said they wanted everything that had used pasta. So in the end i made lasanga, pasta bake, tuna pasta with mayonaise, garlic bread, homemade chips and i made some salad. I put cheese in a bowl. Then i made my way upstairs with a glass of water. When everybody finished there diner they all left together to go for a run. Oh how i wish i could go with them and shift, i watched as many of them phased and i watched as they ran off into the distance.Then they were gone and i was alone to clean up all the dishes. After i cleaned them all up i heard everybody return. I looked at the clock and noticed it was early, many came in with alarmed expressions on there face.

This was unusual, they never did this, never.  I decided to stay out of the way being as i had no more jobs and i didn't want to be a waste of space i left to go upstairs. The ladder was back where it was supposed to be so i climbed up and went to be alone before i went to go to sleep.

"There is another pack and they are coming to attack, do you remember when we kicked out that girl a few months ago, the one who gave my disgrace of a daughter books, well turns out her mate is in this pack thats coming. He wants revenge. Her mate is a high rank in the pack but not the alpha. I dont know when they are comming so be prepared. I also dont know what pack it is and how experieced they are with fighting. Thats all i can tell you for now." My father finished speaking. I curled up on the floor exausted from a hard days work and went to sleep cold and alone yet again.




Thanks for reading, i hope you liked it, in this chapter it showed you how she lives. I'll update again soon. Lauren

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