Just breathe, everything will be ok

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Ethan's P.O.V

I was angry. She hadn't woken up yet and didn't know that she was plastered on YouTube singing about another man and how she would take care of him. She was hugging him and he was touching her back. It made me angry, why would she do that. I may sound like I’m over reacting but I’m the oldest wolf in the world that is alive and I’ve waiting for my mate the longest. I'm a very possessive alpha who likes to be in full control with his mate only showing love and emotions towards him. I heard footsteps running to the bathroom and then a heaving sound. I sighed and tried to calm down as i made my way towards the bathroom she was in. I knocked on the door politely even though i wanted to rip it from its hinges.

"Shut up, that is so loud, just please leave me alone." She mumbled. I wasn't going to take no as an answer. I had realised she had locked the door right now so i did the most sensible thing an angry person would do. I kicked the door down. It cracked and fell in pieces to the floor as i stepped over them to get to her. She slid behind the shower curtain hiding but i heard her tears, i saw them as they fell like diamonds from her eyes. I grabbed a hold of her hand and held it tight refusing to let go when she shook me off and pushed me away. I must admit i growled a few times.

"Please Alpha, my mate i brought this upon myself when i chose to go out last night, i must face the consequences of my actions, i knew i should have been more careful as i had never drunk before. I suggest you leave alpha as this will not be pleasant to watch a sick pack member. Oh how rude of me, please forgive me, i never asked to join your pack. I will pledge loyalty to you alpha and will serve in the pack. I promise to protect others in danger and help when i can. Do you accept me into the pack?" I listened to her words but felt disappointed every time she called me alpha. No matter how many times i told her we were equal she would never listen. Even though i was extremely angry with her she was my mate and i would accept her any day of the week.

"You would have always been accepted into the pack, you are my mate. I accept your pledge and i welcome you to the pack. We will make it official later when you are completely recovered. You do not have to call me alpha as you are an equal to me. My Luna, my other half and why didn't you tell me you had never consumed alcohol before. I would never have allowed you out. I will be speaking to Jessica later as to why it got so out of hand. Did you know you are on the Internet on YouTube singing with another man? You looked quite comfortable in his presence and you hugged him and wrapped your arms around him swaying with him. Did you not think of your mate? Did you even know how that makes me feel you singing about taking care of another person? A male person." I could feel my anger rising again with every word i said. I felt myself shaking and my wolf taking over. I didn't fight the process but i didn't shift either because i would be extremely dangerous. Although i was very close to shifting i maintained my human form. My claws started to extend and small clumps of fur appeared making me look very feral. My mate wrapped her arms around me, but it only helped slightly. I needed to know she was mine, i needed my mark on her to warn other males off. Nobody would ever touch her again and live. She was panicking but i couldn't help her in my state of anger. She was telling me to calm down.

"Alpha, please your scaring me, please calm down. Please alpha." There she went again calling me alpha as if i was only a leader to her nothing else. She needed to realise that she belonged with me, to me and i belonged to her forever. Her arms wrapping around me made me realise i was with her and she was real. I stopped shaking and picked her up, slamming her up against the wall as i nuzzled her neck. I could feel and hear her heart beating in her chest. I felt my teeth extending reading to claim my mate. My wolf was dictating me, ordering me to do this. I needed to do this, we needed to do this. 

"Mine" I snarled and sank my teeth deep. She cried out but i tightened my hold on her. I stayed like that for a few more seconds before i released her licking the wound and closing it.  I could taste her blood on my lips and no doubt that she could see it too. She looked up at my face and cried out before she turned and turned and ran. I was so lost in my thoughts that i failed to realise that she had disappeared from the room. I started to run after her. I went straight down the stairs and ignored the mutters coming from the other pack members. I kept going and running till i made it outside and i stopped before going into the trees. I paused and sniffed the air around me. I located her scent then took off again tracking her. I could hear her heavy breathing and i realised she was leaving me and running away. I couldn't have that. I found her sprawled at the bottom of a tree and she looked so pale, so small and so lost. She was having hard time breathing and by the looks of it she was having a panic attack. I gathered her into my arms as i rubbed her back whispering comforting words to her. I was no longer angry anymore, i was worried and scared for the wellbeing of my mate. She needed me now more than ever. 

I caught a glimpse of her eyes as they rolled back into her head and her eyelashes fluttered. I sighed knowing the inevitable would happen. She would be scared of me when she awoke and i would only have myself to blame. I picked her up and cradled her high against my chest walking slowly back towards my house. Even though i lived in the pack house as the alpha, i also had a separate house where i would live once i found my mate. It would give us the privacy i wanted. It wasn't too far away from the pack house in case of an emergency. It was about 4 miles but that was a walk in the park for me. It took me just under 5 minutes to run those few miles and when i got outside the house i slowed my pace to a walk. I got to the door and pulled it open. I noticed it was spotless and i locked the door behind me. I walked up to the master bedroom. This house consisted of about 10 rooms. It had a big spacious kitchen, 2 living rooms or lounges as people call them, a downstairs bathroom, an upstairs bathroom, a dining room, 3 bedrooms and a nursery. It also came with a big garden with a swimming pool in the back and a climbing frame i had built for the kids i planned to have in the future. I had left the nursery and the other 2 bedrooms blank as i wanted me and my mate to decorate them when we were having children. I took her up and placed her on the four-poster bed and waited for her to wake up. I designed this room for us.

When she started to move 30 minutes later, she awoke heavily breathing. I placed a calming hand on her shoulder and she backed away with her eyes wide,

"Just breathe, Athena, Everything will be ok."




Well what do you think? Sorry for the late update, i hope you liked it. I'll update soon and thanks for reading Lauren.

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