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Ethan's P.O.V

It was that day that i took down her pack, that day was the best and worst day of my life. I found my mate and lost her in a matter of minutes. She was so beautiful, but they abused her, i wanted to rip them all limb from limb for all the pain they inflicted on her and when her arsehole of a brother pushed her forwards i growled, but i enjoyed hearing him scream when i killed his parents and i especially enjoyed it when i heard him scream when i killed him. It made me excited. You see my pack was the strongest pack in the whole world. Nobody dared to cross us and although we were the biggest and strongest, we were also the most vicious to those who deserved it. When my mate ran from me, i felt alone. I tried running after her but i was pulled back by my pack mates and when i went to find the trail in which she had maybe left behind, it was gone. The rain had washed it away. My one chance at happiness gone. I was dead and it showed. My pack tried to help and i appreciated all their efforts and i tried not to take it out on them because pack meant family. It was 2 months later and i was still suffering, i had just been notified that 2 rogues had crossed our boarders. I called for my beta and his mate came with us. They were stuck together like glue and although it pissed me off, i was glad he was happy. I changed into my wolf and let out a howl that echoed throughout the woods. Every animal in my way shrunk back from my large figure. I was a pure black, with midnight black eyes and with a muscly build. I was about 8 feet long and 5 feet tall. I was like the size of a horse. I was running with my beta behind me and we came to the identify the rogues from a distance. By the smell i could tell there was 1 male and 1 female. At first i thought they were mates but i was wrong.

When we saw them the female was very weak and a pure white wolf. She looked big but fragile at the same time. I could tell she had alpha genes because of her incredible size but she looked very thin. Her eyes were a violet colour and they were beautiful. The male wolf was a half-breed and was about to finish the female wolf off but something made me drag him back and tear him limb from bloody limb. It was a natural instinct for me. I couldn't help that i felt a pull towards this female wolf. When i looked back, i saw fear in her eyes when she opened them, i growled loudly when i saw her fear. Everybody must have thought that i was growling at her in disgust as a rogue. All three of us, me, my beta and his mate went behind the tree and phased back to human form. My beta, Domanic, made advances towards the female as did i when we were fully clothed and i boomed in my loud voice

"What are you doing on my land Rogue". We were getting closer to her until his mate Jessica stood between us. I growled at her but she said

"This is the girl i looked out for and she is the last remaining of the pack you took down 2 months ago" Could it be, that this very weak wolf infront of me was the girl i had been looking for? She let out a howl, that sooned turned to a scream as she shifted. She was clearly in pain that she wasn't meant to be in. I didn't know whether it was from her injuries or just lack of nutrition and goodness because wolves never felt pain when they shifted apart from their first shift unless they were in bad health. I let out a gasp as i saw her beautiful, thin face. It was my mystery girl. It was my mate, i didn't know her name yet but she knew mine. I ran to her battered body and cradled her to my chest and she lay her head weakly on my shoulder. This small act alone made me smile, she gripped to me for dear life. She was proberbly scared i was going to drop her, but i wouldn't because i'm strong. I held her close as i took off running. A few times she wimpered but she never complained. When we got to the pack house she panicked and her eyes went wide as she clutched at her throat and tried to escape from my arms. I tightened my grip around her and growled. She burried her head in my chest and cried,

"I cant go in there......Please dont make me go in there....please....just let me go....please i cant go" She looked at me pleading. I felt my heart weep, i wanted to do as she said but i couldn't. I smoothed back her head and whispered.

"Shush, shush it's ok, i have to take you through there but i will take you straight to my chambers and nobody will see you" I tried my best to soothe her with my words. She relaxed slightly but still kept her frozen position.

"Will you hit me if i object to going in the house, please dont hit me if i dont want to go in, i just cant go in but i dont want to be hit, just please dont hurt me anymore i'm already broken into many pieces." She whispered hiding behind her hands, I gently pried them away so i could see her face and i looked into her eyes and responded

"I would never hurt you and i would never raise my hand to a woman." I did it quickly whilst she was still thinking about my previous comment. I ran through the house straight to my chambers. I locked the door and placed her on my bed. Her wounds had stopped bleeding and she wasn't complaining but i would check in the morning to see if she felt any pain. I went to my chest of draws and pulled out one of my t-shirts and some bottoms of mine. I gave them to her. At first i thought she would reject them she looked at them like a poor person would look at money or how a hungry person would look at food. But she also looked at them like they were too much for her like she wasn't worthy of wearing them. My heart went out to her. She would tell me one day her whole story and i will relive her memories with her and hopefully time will heal what damage her horrid family caused. She even asked me where she would sleep, she asked me if she had to sleep outside or the attic and the floor. I felt angry that they had made her suffer. I told her she could sleep in the bed with me. She froze and inched her way to the bed keeping her eyes on me the entire time. When she got into bed i took my shirt off and took off my jeans till i was left in my boxers. I put some silk p.j bottoms on so i wouldn't freak her out. I got into the king sized bed, the matress moulding to the shape of my body. The pillows fluffed up. I noticed she was lying on the edge and i wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer to my body. She relaxed into me and i fell asleep for the first time in my entire life feeling happy and finally complete, i had my mate in my arms.




Well what did you think of the chapter in Ethan's P.O.V? Well thanks for reading anyway, i'll update this book soon. Lauren

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