Chapter 25

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Ashtons pov

Our show was amazing last night, it was even better being able to know that Bay was watching me from the front row. Practically the whole time i was drumming last night i was looking at her, and all we did was smile at eachother.

We went public last week, and so far Bay has been getting quite a bit or hate from the fans, same with Autumn. I just wish the fans could see how happy Bay makes me. I mean i have had girlfriends in the past, but i have never liked one as much as much as i like Bay.

She's something else, thats for sure. We laugh so much together, and were just so stupid sometimes.

We have about 3 more months of touring left, and honestly, i don't know where things are going to go after the tour ends, i hope that some how Bay and i will still be together, and who knows maybe i might want to move in a Flat with her. I don't know, but honestly i know we have only been togther for a month and a half but it feels like forever and I never want it to come to a end.

But for the time being I am just going to enjoy the time that I have with her.

Present moment............

"Bay Bay lets go we have to leave for the air port ASAP." I say

"Ash babe 5 more minutes plz" She mumbles, from our hotel bed.

You see I never thought i would find a person that hates mornings more than Zayn or me, but i guess I thought wrong, becasue damn she iis a pain in the ass to wake up, but it's also kind of fun as well.

I jumped on the bed, i was already dressed and ready to go, along with everyone else. But then here's Bay still in bed in my Mayday Parade stshirt, which was over sized on her, and with her hair in a messy bun and no make on.

I started to tickle her. She is really ticklish, and i mean it, the last time i pinned her down and tickled her she punched me, not intentionally but just becasue she spazzes out so much when she gets tickled.

She instantly starts, squirming and shreiking, and sits up.

"STOP IT STOP! I'm up, happy!?" she says

"Very" I say smiling

"Go get dresses really quick we have to leave in 5 and then we are on our way, so lets get your cute ass moving!" I say

"Your lucky i like you you know that." She says smiling.

"Same goes for you" i say and peck her lips, and head out of the room so she can get dressed.

10 minutes later we were out of the door.

Cal's pov

 Well here we go, goodbye Paris.

I was in first class, with Rose by my side, we had taken of about 3 hours ago and we sill ad 12 hours to be on this plane, if you were wondering, we were all on our way to Japan, which by the way I am not Japanese okay! The Boys keepjoking around wth me saying how well i will fit in there, i love them but sometimes they know how to get under my skin.

Rose is currently asleep, with her head on y shoulder.

I let my mind wonder and then i thought about how ever since Rose and i kind of did the dirty, which was a little under a week ago, well things have been way diffrent. Not in a bad type of diffrent, but let's just say that we have grown way closer, and to be honest i love it. I can't help but replay that night in my head, it was the best night of my life. I still can't believe that i am no longer a virgin.....

I was the last one in the band to be a virgin, even Luke lost far before i did, and he's youger than me to!

I'm debating or not to tell the boys, becasue I don't know if Rose hs told anybody or not. In a way i kind of want it to just stay between the two of us, but then theres this other part of me, that just wants to tell the boys,  i mean we are in a band together and have a strict no keeping secrets rule, but this is kind of personal.

If you think we are your average ordinary douche bags, that talk about their girlfriend in dirty ways, or just talk about sex, well thats not us.

Don't get me wrong every one in a while on ofus, well mainly Ash will start joking around, and has some pretty nasty sex jokes, but other then that we just love hanging out and chilling, i mean we don't keep secrets from eachother usually.

I still remember when Luke lost his V-card,

Flash back..........................

the first thing he did the next day, and arranged a band rehersal.

Once we had all gotten everythin set up in my garage, we all noticed Luke looking a little bit more cherpy than usual. So we asked him what was up, and then he said "Well i had sex for the first time last night"

We all knoddedour heads and said "Nice, Protection right dude" I guess we were all more concerned than happy. " yes of course" "It was with your girlfriend, Valarie right, because even though i don't like her a ton, i will still whoop your ass for cheeting on a girl" Ash said. "Yes Ash it was with Val, i would never do that" Said luke.

END of Flash back.

Remembering this, made me think of Valarie, she was or well is the same age as Luke, they broke up about 10 months ago. Luke never told me what happened between them, but whatever it was it must have been pretty bad because Luke wouldnt talk for like a straight week. None of us really cared for her that much, we all felt like she was trying to change Luke, and not in a good way. But none of us said anything to Luke, because he was happy. They dated for 6 Months.

Great now I'm back to being curious why Luke and her broke up.............I still haven't found out to this day what the reason was behind it.

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