Chapter 19

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Michaels pov

Well that's just great, I think im lost in New York City, which I hear is by far one of the worst places to get lost at, or maybe that's only if your a girl...... oh who cares, I could seriously care less about what happens to me, no girl is ever going to love me again, so what's the point.

Right now I am sitting on a park bench in the park, I have had a couple people walk past me and give such shity looks, but hey I guess I kind of deserve it right. I mean I was the on behind the wheel.

Well I guess I probably should call Cal at least and let him know that im kinda lost....... eh whats the point I guess it doesn't hurt to walk around for a bit longer, and then maybe I will call Cal.

I hopped off of the bench and started to follow the paved path that is right in front of me, my heads down, so as you could guess i'm not really paying attention to where I am going.

That's when I run into them, Ash and Bay. It took them a second to realize it was me and once they did, "OH MY GOD MICHAEL where have you been mate, you had us all worried sick. We have been looking for you for a good 4 hours now, what happened!" You know if only I could believe he actually cared, and he almost got to me, he almost sounded as if he really did care.

"I'm fine now I just needed some air..." I say "are you sure your okay Michael" bay says.

"Yeah i'm fine now" Ash says " WOW for someone who needed some air you sure must have needed a lot of it, mate its 3am, what were you thinking! We have all been so worried, Cals with Rosley looking in time square for you. What happened for you to rush out all of a sudden?"

" I don't want to  talk about it."

And with that said, we started out long walk to the nearest taxi.

Harry's pov

Well Luke just got off the phone with Ash, and good news they found Michael.

Anyway I'm still so pissed off from waling on Luke and Aut licking each others faces off, ew. I mean really, she's to good for him, I know what your thinking, 'oh aren't you and Luke lads?' well yes in a weird way, you see luke and I have always stayed more distant from one another, I think it's because we both don't really care for on another.

Even though I'm 19, and Aut is soon to be 16 well I don't really care, I think if I try hard enough, I might just have a shot with her. Even though we are like 3 years apart, well who care, I sure as hell don't she acts like she's my age, even though I am pretty immature at times still, but you get the jist.

I really wanted to talk to Aut tonight, but she went to bed right after she ate her pizza, and shortly after that Zayn and the boys all came back, and they went to bed, well besides Niall.

Autumns pov

I can't fall asleep, Lukes still not in bed and its almost 4am. It's weird that after these past 4 days I'm already so use to having him sleep next to me, he keeps me warm, and I just love it.

"Aut are you still awake?" I shoot up from bed and look to see who it is who's talking to me, and sadly its not Luke, it's Bay, I wonder if they found Michael yet?

"Yeah I'm awake, did you guys find Michael yet?"

"Yeah he was in the park, he went to bed already, I just wanted to see how you were doing, we haven't really talked in a while..."

"haha you decided to ask me how I am doing at 4 o'clock in the flipping morning, well Bay I'm just peachy, how about yourself?"

 As your can tell i'm not a morning person, I am only when I wake up to Luke next to me, but he wasn't next to me.

"where's  Luke at bay?"

"oh I don't know, I mean I know he's here but, I think he might be talking to Cal right now, he should be in soon. Why can Aut not sleep without her Lukeybear<3"

"Oh shut up Bay!" I grabbed a extra pillow and chucked at her head, and I hit her right in the face! That's what I'm talking about!

"Ok geeze Sargent Bitchy, I will go find you Lukeybear, so you can cheer up! I mean come on who peed in your cheerios!?"

"HAHHAHAHA funny," I said super sarcastically.

'Okay I'm going to go find my hot stuff, and then I will find your, and I will make sure that he comes in here ASAP, because gurl........ wait are you on your period, because that would explain a lot, like your bitchyness for instance."

" NO Bay i'm not on my fucking period, can you just go to bed, you know I'm not a morning person, so what do you expect, and ones simply not bitchy, one is simply tired."

"Fine babbbyyy guuurrrlll gnight, I hope the bed bugs bite!"

"Bye asshole" I shout while bay walks out of the door.

If you can't already tell Bay and I pick on each other a lot, we talk shit to each other faces to a lot, I guess you could say we definitely are way to honest with each other.  But you just  learn to love it, she's all I have for family, and i'm very grateful.

Lukes pov

"Cal you need to tell me why Michaels like this, I don't care if he won't tell me whats up, I know you know so just please tell me, I was worried about him sick tonight, same with Aut, just tell me mate. I know Michael thinks that I don't care but I do, he's always been so closed off, so just please tell me Cal."

" Luke I can't, Michael will tell you and the mates when he feels like it, the truth or dare between you and Aut just hit him in a weak spot, he will tell you guys eventually, for now just drop it, he's back so that's all that matters"

Before I could say another word, Cal walked down the hallway to his room, that he was sharing with Rosley.

"Lukeypooo your boobear can't sleep without you so go get you ass in that room!!!!" Bay says to me in a baby voice. She always has a way in making me laugh, and wow she really doesn't give a damn, and I give her prompts.

Once I get back to my room, I notice Aut tossing and turning, I don't even know if she's awake or not, by the sound of Bay it sounded like she was awake, but who knows.

"Autumn" I whisper "are you awake"

"yea, I can't sleep" she says in her scratchy morning voice, what I found totally sexy.

I took off my sweatshirt, leaving me in some basketball shorts. Then I hopped in bed and grabbed Aut tightly but gently around her curvy waist, and then slowly drifted off to sleep, with this amazing girl in my arms.

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