Even the prettiest flowers have thorns

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We landed on Earth a couple hours  later. I wasn't exactly thrilled about it but I had accepted that there was nothing that I could do about it now. Although I dreaded being back, I guess there was still a part of me that missed the place. The green that stemmed from the ground creating such beauty that was incomparable. The blue oceans that always felt like my dad and home on a whole althoughit seems alot rougher than i remember. Even my complicated family who seem to do nothing but fight. Yes, the Olympians. After years of not seeing them I realized just how much I really miss them, especially my dad. I truly did love him but I had lost my purpose on Earth.

The army's first stop was to Olympus itself. Our ship hovered above the throne room where I teleported down to speak to the gods about the alliance. As I landed on the marble floors of the throne room, thunder rumbled and lightning flashed before the ten foot figure appeared in one of the head thrones in the center of the throne room. Zeus could be seen through the cloud of smoke created by the lightning. I rolled my eyes. Always one to make an entrance huh uncle.

I could already sense the arrogance before Zeus could even begin to speak.
"Who dares to enter into the throne room without permission from the gods!? Reveal yourself now!"

I rolled my eyes at his words. You would think that by now his ego would lessen right? Wrong! The man was just as prideful and arrogant as before. I could see the disdain on his face as he looked at me.


"That is Lord Zeus to you," he interrupted.

"Zeus," I stared at him daring him to interrupt me again but he didn't "I will not reveal myself but I do demand you to call the rest of your council to the throne room. There are matters to discuss. I mind linked Nico down because chaos knows I can't deal with these Olympians on my own. With a flash of purple Nico appeared at my side startling Zeus. Within ten seconds all the Olympians including Hestia and Hades were in the throne room watching Nico and I closely. I watched them all. Hestia did not look any different than she usually did. She was in her nine year old form looking as calm and gentle as ever. Outside of my father, she is the god or rather goddess I missed the most. Zeus, Artemis, Ares and Hephaestus looked agitated. Athena and Aphrodite looked curious. Dionysus was just plain bored. Demeter, Hermes, Apollo and Hera seemed cautious but made no move to express anything else. Hades and Poseidon looked a terrible mixture of fatigue and frustration.

"If you may, could you please reveal your identity?" Poseidon started in a nearly inaudible voice. I looked in sadness but no one but Nico could see it. My hood covered my face well plus the enchantment left nothing but a smoky shadow to be seen by anyone who was not given permission.

Nico nudged me causing me to come back to this world. I looked up to see everyone looking at me expectantly. Instead of answering my father I turned to Nico.

"So you couldn't answer?"

"Hey they didn't ask me. I'm not the first in command why should I do it?"

"Why else would I have a second in command?"

"Not so that you can daydream,"

The clearing of a throat interrupted our bickering. I turned once again to see their faces a mixture of amusement, confusion and frustration from Zeus.

"Hello Olympians, my name is Oblitus and this is Expiravit. We are the first and second in command of the elite team of warriors in Chaos' army. We have come down to this planet to lend a hand in the upcoming battle against your new enemies." I said as formally as I could.

I could see Zeus' face change to one of astonishment as I said our titles. I could even sense a bit of fear and doubt.

"And Oblitus where exactly is Lady Chaos?" Suspicion laced Zeus' voice during his question.

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