he dies (Michael)

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  "H-He meant a lot to you, right...?" The small woman asked as she stood in your doorway. You took a deep breath and looked her dead in the eye. "You've been in love, right?" You asked her. She nodded her head slowly and you conitnued. "So, yes, he did mean a lot to me. More than a lot actually. Michael was my world and I appreciate you coming here to apologize on behalf of your stupid mistakes, but I will not forgive you. Not only did you take away Michael's life, who might I add was only 17, but you also took away yours. You know you just completely screwed it up by drinking and driving, but also because you killed someone because of it, you just get that much more added onto your punishment. It's hard getting a call from one of his friends saying that he was in a car accident. My first thought was maybe it was just come cuts and bruises and he'll be okay, but then they continued to tell me he was hit by a drunk driver. Now, by then I was furious at myself for letting him go out late at night to grab some extra food for our night in, but then I was furious at the person who did it. Then it hit me. The love of my life was taken away from me and I couldn't do anything about it. There was nothing I could say that could bring him back and there was absolutely nothing I could do that would bring him back. I could sit here and lecture you about how stupid it was for you to be drinking and driving, but I'm not going to waste my breath hating on the person. Even though your actions cost my boyfriend's life I'm not going to hold it against you. I miss him like you can't even believe and I want nothing more than for him to just walk out from behind you and greet me with a huge hug and kiss like he always does, but that won't happen. Again, I appreciate you coming here and all, but I'm going to have to ask you to go now... Thank you again, bye..." You slowly closed the door and slid down to the ground, letting out the tears you had been holding back for so long. "I miss you so fucking much, Michael..."

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