another boy finds you self harming (part two , michael)

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  About 20 minutes later, low and behold, your boyfriend walked in, his hands tucked into the pockets of his jeans. He saw you guys and walked over. "Hey guys." Calum smiled and pulled up a chair. He sat down next to you and took your hand, bringing it up and kissing it. "Not to be rude but why'd you call me?" Calum looked to you and then back to Michael. "(Y/N) has told me something that I think you need to know." Michael looked to you, furrowing his brows. "Really babe?" You shook your head, having second thoughts. "Oh no, it's nothing important." You took a sip of your water, Calum narrowing his eyes at you. "If starving yourself isn't important, then fine." You widened your eyes at him, your first clenching that he would do that to you. "Wait what?" Michael chirped in. "(Y/N) what does Calum mean?" "Nothing," you snapped, keeping your eyes on your friend. "I said if starving yourself is not a big deal than fine. But keeping it a secret? (Y/N) that is a big deal. It could've gotten out of hand if I didn't say anything. You know that. You would've gotten so malnourished it would've killed you. You know we would've noticed you getting so deadly thin, but what if it was too late to do anything?" By the end of his small rant you had tears streaming down your face, the harsh reality hitting you like a brick wall. Calum was right. You knew it was dangerous, you had just been so caught up in the idea of losing weight that you were almost oblivious to the serious issues that were taking place at the same time. "(Y/N)..? Is that true?" Michael asked, squeezing your hand. All you could do was nod, a lump in your throat. You heard Michael sigh before speaking. "Cal, I'm gonna take her home. Thank you for calling me down... We'll keep in touch okay?" Calum got up nodding, coming over to hug you. Michael led you out of the small restaurant, keeping a firm hold on your small hand. "We're gonna work on this together okay?" Was the first thing out of his mouth. "If you were hiding it because you thought I was going to leave. You don't need to think that anymore... Because I'm not going anywhere. We're gonna get you through this. I promise."

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