he confesses his feelings while drunk; michael

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"Please, (Y/N)? You promised!" Michael pouted at you as he held the small shot glass in his hand, constantly shoving it towards you.
You shook your head multiple times and he continued to pout. "Michael, I'm tired and you know alcohol makes me sleepy. You should go to bed and drink some water or you're going to have the worst hangover in the morning and I don't want that."

You got to your feet and began to walk to the kitchen to grab him a water bottle. He got to his feet and followed you to the kitchen, hugging you from behind.

"You're such a party pooper." He whispered into your ear and you sighed, turning around and pushing him off of you. "Go to bed." You shoved him away from you and he laughed, bringing your body back to his.

This was something you had gotten used to over time. Michael was very touchy when drunk and you had to get used to it eventually.

"God, what would I do without you?" He asked you and nestled his head into the crook of your neck. You sighed and began to rub his hair. "I wonder the same thing." You laughed to yourself and he pulled away, staring directly into your eyes.

"You know what? I love you." Your body froze as those three words left his mouth. You just stared at him for what felt like forever.

"Y-You what?" "You heard me. I'm in love with you. God, I love you, (Y/N). Wow, that feels good that I said that. Guess the cat's out of the bag, huh?" He laughed and walked away from you as if he didn't just admit to you that he loved you.

"What the hell am I going to do with you, Michael?" You shook your head with a giant smile on your face as you joined him back on the couch.

The three words you had always wanted to hear from Michael was just said. Unfortunately, they were when he was drunk off his ass, but nonetheless you were happy.

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