another boy finds you self harming (part two , luke)

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Luke looked at Ashton and then down to you, the situation clear as day. He froze in the doorway, your crying the only sound in the room. Ashton knelt next to you, putting a comforting arm on your back and cautiously taking the razor from your hand. You didn't put up any fight. You just gave up and fell against your friend as your boyfriend watched on. Ashton tried his best to comfort you, telling Luke to go get a bandage to wrap your arm. He did as he was told and returned shortly, finally snapping back into reality as he grabbed your arm gently and began wrapping. You had managed to calm down enough to sit up on your own, but not enough to look him in the eyes. You were scared of the disappointment, the hurt, the anger that you would see and you just couldn't deal with it. Once he finished, he kept your wrist in his hands and looked at you. "Ashton, can I have some time with (Y/N) please?" Ashton nodded, getting up. "I'll be downstairs if you need anything." You weakly smiled as he left, turning your attention back to Luke who let out a sad sigh. "I thought you had stopped." His face was almost blank, and you remembered the first time he had found out about your little habit. You had promised that if the urges came back, the first thing you would do is tell him or someone that you trusted and try to distract yourself from the initial thought. "I was in this trance I... I don't know what happened..." You whispered, looking up into his blank stare. "I hate to say this (Y/N), but I don't know what else to do... I don't think I can individually help you. Maybe you need someone with more... experience. Get some different methods on helping yourself." "You're giving up..?" you replied quietly, not quite understanding the context of his offer. "No! No not at all! I'm simply taking the next step for you... I'm going to continue helping you and I'll come to your appointments and everything but please... I'm so scared of losing you (Y/N), this can't continue." You knew he was right, so you nodded, feeling his arms envelope you. You took it in, wrapping your arms around his as well. "I love you... I refuse to lose you you... not this way."

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