he confesses his feelings while drunk; ashton

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"Shh!" You half shouted at Ashton as you both walked down the street, wobbling like crazy as you both were extremely drunk. You hadn't seen Ashton in a little while and he wanted to take you out to go drink and party like you always did before. "What if I want everyone to hear us, (Y/N)? Then what?" "You still shut your big fat mouth. It's three in the bloody morning!" You stopped on the sidewalk and decided to sit down on the curb. You really just needed a break from walking as you were too drunk to continue walking. "But what if I needed to shout out something extremely important and I didn't care if it woke anyone up?" He asked you as he sat down beside you. He put his hand on your leg and began to rub it, which you chose to ignore. "Then I'd tell you to shut up." You turned to him with a smile on your face and he immediately smiled back. "I always loved your smile. I missed it the most when I was on tour. I also missed your laugh." He grinned as he began to tickle you and you started to giggle as he tickled your sides. "Okay, stop!" "There's that laugh I love." He smiled at you and you just blushed, looking at your feet. "I don't just love those two things, yanno? I love you as a whole. I love everything about you actually." He leaned closer to you and you didn't notice just how close he was to you. "Did you hear me? I said that I love you. I love (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!" He screamed extremely loud and you covered his mouth, glaring at him. "You'll wake up everyone here you idiot!" You smacked his chest and he smiled at you. "Well, I just needed to let everyone know that I love you... Like, a lot." He kissed your cheek and you blushed once again. "Well, guess what? I love you, like a lot, too." You smiled at him and his smile grew wider as he engulfed you in his arms. "Good. I'm happy to hear that."

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