he confesses his feelings while drunk; luke

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You open up Luke's bedroom door and peek your head through it, smiling sweetly at him. You noticed he was sitting on the floor with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. He took a sip from it and wiped his mouth, finally looking over at you. "Hey..." He sighed, taking another gulp from the half empty bottle. "Hey grumpy," you smiled as you shut the door behind you. "Cheer up." You sat down beside him and took the bottle away from him. He leaned his head on your shoulder and you put your arm over his shoulder, rubbing his arm. "Break ups are hard. I know." You told him as you felt him nod his head. He had a bad break up and you felt terrible that he was alone. No one should be alone after something like this. "And getting drunk isn't the best solution." You laughed as you picked up the bottle, looking at how much he had drank. "Was this full?" You turned to look at him and he nodded his head slowly. "I'm sorry..." He got up from your shoulder and looked at you, holding onto your hands. You smiled at the gesture and let him say whatever he was going to say. "(Y/N), I don't think I was being honest with you with mine and Carly's break up..." He took a deep breath and you furrowed your eyebrows, confused on what he meant. "Okay, what happened then?" "She broke up with me, I was being truthful there, but it wasn't because she felt like we were arguing too much and all of the other little reasons I said... It's because she found out that I was in love with someone else. She found out I was in love with you." You stared at him and you tried your hardest not to smile because it wouldn't be right to smile in this situation. "I'm not sad because I lost her, I'm sad because I wasted a year and a half thinking that I was with the right person when the right person was right in front of me the entire time. I wasted time on her when I could've been spending time with you and loving you and kissing you and-" You stopped him mid sentence with a soft kiss on his lips. His body relaxed and you both smiled in the kiss. "I love you, (Y/N)."

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