he loves you, but you have a boyfriend pt 2 (Ashton)

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   AUTHOR'S NOTE: Not all of them will end up happy, some might, others might not. Just letting you know.

   "He was fine." You said as you reached into the bag of chips, pulling out a handful. "Not as good as me though, right?" Klayton asked as he leaned closer to you and you laughed, shoving a chip in his mouth. "He was goofing around at first, but then he got serious and did it really well." You told him, your eyes glued to the television screen in front of you. "You think you're ready for it?" He asked as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, bringing your body closer to his. You could feel the warmth radiating off his body which made you smile. "I've practiced it enough times I'm pretty sure I'm good. I have to be there in two hours, so I should probably get going." You told him as you went to stand up only to be brought back down onto the couch. He smothered you with kisses and you couldn't help but laugh at him. "Klayton I have to go..." You whined as he pouted at you for several minutes. "Alright, alright. Good luck, baby." He gave you one last kiss and you nodded, grabbing your things and leaving his house. You grabbed your phone and checked the texts that were from Ashton. He offered to take you for a quick lunch and then he'd drive you to your exam. You got into your car and drove off to your house to change out of your outfit and grab all of your essentials for the exam piece. Once you got home and grabbed all of your things you waited for Ashton to get you. You knew now you didn't have much time to spend with Ashton before your exam so you had hoped he would hurry his ass up and get to your place already. You were about to call him to see where he was when you heard a car honk outside of your house. You sighed in relief and walked out of the house with all of your things. You got into the passenger seat and sat everything on your lap. "Hey, Ash." You smiled at him and he gave you a small nod as he pulled out of your driveway. The ride was short and you two just sang along to the songs on the radio. He seemed a little off and you noticed he has been ever since he helped you practice for your exam piece. You two would always be able to talk about everything and anything, but whatever was bothering him he didn't want to discuss it with you. It hurt you a little to know that he wasn't open to discuss it with you, but you respected it enough to not bring it up. If he didn't want to talk about it you weren't going to pressure him into telling you. He pulled up to a small cafe and you set aside your things and kept them in the car, following him into the cafe. "I'll buy lunch." He said to you as he got in the line. You smiled up at him and looked at your stomach that was growling. Clearly those chips weren't enough. "Well, I'm starving." You chuckled as the line moved up slowly. "Same." He replied back to you. He avoided your eye contact and you felt sad. Maybe you were the reason he's upset. You started to think of all the things you've done, but couldn't think of anything extremely bad that would upset him. He ordered you some food along with his own and you two sat down at a table. You grabbed onto your sandwich and began to eat it when he leaned back against his chair and looked at you for the first time that day. "I wanted to talk to you about something." You nodded your head waiting for him to continue seeing as you couldn't talk with all that food in your mouth, so you let out a groan. "You know how I said I could relate to whatever that guy was talking about in your drama script?" You merely nodded, not knowing where he was going with it. "Well, I can relate to him. I can relate to being in love and I don't know how you haven't realized that it's you that I'm feeling this way for because everyone else around us has noticed. The boys have noticed, your parents even know it, but you haven't - no, don't interrupt. I want to talk..." He sighed and placed his hands on the table, "It really is just bad timing that I happened to realize I was in love with you the moment you got a boyfriend. Maybe that's what triggered it. Maybe it was knowing that you were off with another guy that made me realize my feelings for you. I always knew I had a slight crush on you, but it wasn't till you told me you were dating Klayton till I knew for sure that I loved you. I'm not asking you to leave him because I love to see you happy and he makes you so happy. I just wanted to get this off my chest because I couldn't stand you not knowing any longer. I probably should have said something sooner, but I didn't and I waited till now and it was a bad choice on my behalf, but yeah. That's all I really wanted to say." You stared at him in awe for a few minutes. You really had no idea what to say to him. You obviously weren't going to stop talking to him, but you weren't sure if talking to him was a good idea. Would his feelings for you grow? What will your relationship come to? Will he get angry because you are with Klayton more than you are with him? All of these questions were flooding into your mind and you finally broke the silence. "Thank you for telling me. Just promise me one thing?" You asked him as you reached for his hand. He took your hand and looked into your eyes. Right then you realized how in love with you he was. The look in his eyes looked just like Klayton's do when he looks at you. You shook that thought out of your mind and smiled. "Don't let this affect our relationship in anyway, alright? I love you too much to lose you and I would be lost without you." You gave him a small smile and he chuckled. "I promise."

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