From Plan A to plan A

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hey guys!!so this chapter is gonna be longer than the others cause i haven't updated in like a month so enjoy!!!it is all in hiccups pov


Running, that's all I've been doing for the past two hours.I ran past trees,bushes and some animals while dogging rows of flames and spikes from a whispering death.I jumped over a fallen tree and jumped onto a tree and hide.The whispering death passed the tree I hide in and i could the sound of earth being dug with its six rows of razor sharp teeth. Well there goes my chance of training a titan whispering death.I jumped down and head to a clearing and shout for toothless in Norse.

"Toothless!"No answer.I shout a few more times but there is no reply and i got the weird feeling that someone or something is following me and its pitch black out so i can't really see anything. That's when i felt the hot breath of of a dragon behind me,It roared and i could tell it was the whispering death.I crouched down and slide right under it and it started chasing me.i jumped over a log and felt a sharp pain in my shoulder.the whispering death kept chasing me and i kept on running with the pain growing even more.then i gave it one last shot and called for toothless .In about a minute a black shape tackled the whispering death to the ground and they battled until the whispering death was injured and fled to one of its holes in the ground.I felt exhausted,must be because of the poisonous spine the whispering death shot in my shoulder,yeah that's its.......wait! poisonous spine!!!I look at my shoulder and pull out the spine .That's when i realized that I made a big mistake doing that because as soon as i did blood was gushing out and the pain grew even more.I fell too the ground and everything went black.....

Time skip

I woke up and found myself in my self in my room back at the camp .I tried getting up but failed as i lay back down in pain.A black figure moved lazily to the side of my bed.I raised up my arm trying to pat toothless on the head.He obviously woke up to the movement and jumped up on me and started licking my face.I pushed him off .

"toothless! you know that doesn't wash out"i shout at him and he gives me a gummy grin and starts laughing.
A few minutes of silence and I decided I should try and get up.
"How long was I out" I asked in dragonese after getting up.
"5 hours"I sigh after toothless replied .It was still dark out so I decided to go to the forge.

It not hard for me to see in the dark considering the fact that i have been living with dragons for some time now but i still lit a lamp and walked towards the forge.I entered and closed the door behind me knowing toothless will go through the dragon door at the side of the forge.i dropped the lamp on a work bench and made my way to the back i opened the door ,I got a serious headache and stopped.It got worse by the second and everything went black.

I woke up and found my self in my bed..again.

"what happened?"I asked toothless who was looking at me with worry.

"you blacked out..again!"

"great" i mumbled.Then the door opened .It was Emma.Another of my friends who i found wondering the island on my first year of being a runaway.She is also my girlfriend.She rides a nadder (deadly nadder) she named stardust.
"Hey"she say to me smiling
"Hey"I reply sitting up
"How long was i out?"I asked as she sat down beside
"A day" she says simply .I was about to say something when she talked
"Dont worry the dragons are taken care of and ive checked round the island.No sign of dragon trappers but i spotted a berkian ship heading towords here"
And with that i threw my sheets over my body and got out of bed putting on my armor. (A/N: i felt like changinng the suit abit so instead of the suit being brown its black with all its features in place but the mask isnt there just a a mouth cover so his mouth and nose are covered so his eyes are exposed.)I put my hair covering my eyes alittle .
I was about leaving the room with toohless following lazily behind me until she said that it was only one ship but i didnt let my guard down cause my dad could be on it that ship.
"Ok but im gonna check it out"i said think about the inhabitants of the ship.
"Ok but im coming with you"
"Ok"i simply replied and went out the door with her in front.

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