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Disclaimer: all characters and main story line belong to the amazing Cassandra Clare. I only own my own characters and story plot.

Set after Clockwork Prince but before Clockwork Princess.

-*-*-*-*- Jem -*-*-*-*-

Jem sat in the dining room, his head resting on one hand and his eyes closed. Tessa was further away on the window seat, her hands clasped together firmly. They were both silent, exhaustion and worry crashing down on them both. Jem hadn't slept properly in weeks, and even when he had he was plagued by nightmares. He was surprised that he hadn't been ill yet, but he was also grateful. The Institute didn't need another person to worry about.

"It's been a month, Jem," Tessa said quietly. "A month since we last saw him. I...I am beginning to fear the worst, and so is Cecily." Will's younger sister had only been at the Institute for a week before Will went missing. She was already blaming herself for his sudden disappearance.

"He is not dead," Jem said, but not unkindly. He then lowered his voice, almost speaking to himself. "I would know if he were dead."

"But what if he is seriously hurt?" Tessa asked. "Or worse, in the hands of the Magister? Jem, if he has him, you know he will ask for me in return for Will. I-I don't think I could deny him."

"Will would not want that," Jem said, standing and walking to the window. He gazed over the grey London sky. "He would never forgive you if you gave yourself in, or me for letting you for that matter." Tessa reached out and brushed his fingers, holding them lightly.

"He would never forgive you either if you let yourself get ill," she said softly. "Jem, you look exhausted. Have you taken your medicine today?" He nodded but did not look at her. As much as he loved her, he hated it when she fussed over him like this, especially when there was more at stake.

"Maybe we should go and get some fresh air," he said, changing the subject. "How about a walk in the park?" Tessa smiled faintly and nodded, gathering her skirts and standing.

"It may do us both some good," she said. Jem called for Cyril to ready the carriage as Tessa went and fetched her hat. They met by the front doors and climbed in the carriage together for a silent journey.

When they got to Hyde Park, Jem told Cyril that they should be back in a couple of hours, then, taking Tessa's elbow, he turned and led them down a path.

The weather was cold, but at least there was no rain. Jem felt more calm than he had in weeks with Tessa next to him. But there was always that feeling in his stomach, the sharp pain as if he had been stabbed every time he remembered that Will was not there. They stopped by the pond to feed the ducks some bread that he had brought along but they soon stopped, remembering that Will always hated ducks.

"Never trust a duck," Tessa said under her breath.

"The last time I was here with Will," Jem said, walking on, "Was when he convinced me to feed them poultry pie. Then the time after that, I came here alone but Will followed me, claiming he was afraid the ducks may abduct me."

"Maybe they abducted him," Tessa murmured.

"It may be the only theory we have," Jem sighed. "If only my tracking rune would work. I'd be able to find him straight away and bring him home."

"You've tried hundreds of times, Jem," Tessa said gently. "We have looked everywhere. There's nothing more you can do."

"I know," Jem said. He kissed Tessa's forehead. "I just wish I didn't feel so helpless." They walked for another half an hour or so in silence, just savouring each others company. Then suddenly, Jem felt a stab from his parabatai rune. It was so painful that he took a sharp intake of breath and fell to his knees, his cane clattering to the floor and rolling away.

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