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A/N: Omg I saw the picture above and I was like ahhhhhh!!!!! Anyone else? ;)

And thank you to -tessaherondale for all the translations! ;)

-*-*-*-*- Jem -*-*-*-*-

When Jem opened his eyes, he had to admit that he was surprised to still be alive. He knew that Will would have done whatever he could to get him home, but he also knew that Will had no idea what was going on or how to get back to the Institute. He had accepted that he was going to die.

Pushing himself up onto his elbows, Jem was hit by a wave of dizziness that caused black spots to dance in his eyes. He waited for a moment before sitting up entirely, taking in his surroundings.

He was in a small bedroom, the covers of the bed drawn up around him. Someone had changed him into a loose cotton shirt and black trousers that were several sizes too big. He saw his torn gear hanging up in the wardrobe.

What caught his eye, though, was the silver box that was sat on the bedside table. His silver box.

How did that get here?

He reached over, picking it up and holding it in his hands. There was once a time where he loved this box. His mother had kept her jewellery in it, and it always reminded Jem of his family. But when he became ill...it now made him feel sick at the sight of it, knowing that every speck of the powder inside brought him closer to death.

He placed the box back and looked down at his hands. The dreams that he had whilst he was asleep unnerved him slightly. He didn't know what to think of them, but they made him feel both worried and relieved at the same time...


The wind blew fiercely, tugging at Jem's clothes and trying to push him back from the edge of the cliff he was standing on. He could see a wild and rough sea just over the edge. The grass was yellow and brown, looking as if it was dying of thirst.

Where was he?

Jem looked up, his hand shading his eyes to block out the grey light. Up ahead, he saw a dark figure standing on the edge of the cliff. Their arms were crossed as they gazed out over the ocean.

"Hello?" Jem called. "Hello? Who's there? Who are you?" Suddenly, the wind dropped and Jem found that he could walk forward without a struggle. He cautiously approached the figure, hoping that it wasn't who he thought it was.

He didn't think he could cope with it right now if it was Yanluo.

He finally made it so he was standing right behind the man. His black locks were ruffled by the wind as he turned and grinned at Jem. "You took your time," Will said in that familiar laughing voice of his. "Where on Earth have you been?" Jem smiled, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Will," he breathed then started mumbling in Mandarin in disbelief. " 没想到竟然是你 ."

I can't believe it's you.

His parabatai's blue eyes were alight with amusement as he look at Jem. Jem swallowed, clearing his head. " Do you know who I am? Do you-Do you know my name?" he asked tentatively. Will rolled his eyes dramatically.

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